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Posts posted by Lukasz

  1. Judging from your nickname, CRJ200, you're serious about this plane. I imagine you're serious about flight simming as well. If that is the case, I recommend buying X-Plane, or at least trying the demo. I'd even consider buying a separate sim just for one high quality plane, to be a valid move, I did something like that before and I never had any regrets ;) To be honest, at first I had to get used to X-Plane a little, but after that short time, I'm most pleased with it :)

  2. "On April 1, 1997, a U.S. Air Force C-130 cargo plane overshot the runway at Toncontín and rolled 200 yards before bursting into flames on a major boulevard, killing three people aboard.

    On May 30, 2008, an Airbus A320 operated by Grupo TACA, Flight 390, overran the runway in approach to Tegucigalpa Airport.  The accident was partly blamed on bad weather conditions.  Five people died in the incident.  According to black box recordings and a report from the NTSB, the cause of the accident was a human error by the pilot, who died in the crash, who landed 900 meters (0.5 miles) beyond the landing marks and in the wrong direction (the tower had ordered the opposite way)."

    Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toncont%C3%ADn_International_Airport

    Correct procedure for that runway:


    Airport diagram:


    This guy is an accident awaiting to happen  :-\

  3. For anyone interested, "Digital Combat Simulator: A-10 is" almost there :D The first two Producer Notes are already uploaded for everyone to watch and I must say, I like what I saw there :)

    I have their previous sim, the Ka-50 attack helicopter and I'm really pleased with it, the only shortcoming I can think of, being AI. Sometimes it's too efficient and well informed, and sometimes straight dumb. "-Sir, they're shooting at us! -Calm down soldier, it's just a rain. -A rain of lead, sir?! -Yup. Move along, soldier. -Maybe we should run or pop up smoke? -Nah, look at those tracers, they're so beautiful!"

    On the other hand, I've read, that the AI will be gradually improved over the course of the series, it's really the only one feature I'd prefer done differently and most of the time I just fly around anyway, watching scenery, enjoying the feel of flight itself and landing on moving trains, without dropping "rain" or other stuff on the poor ground units. Make flight, not war ;)

    I know of people actually using X-Plane as a trainer platform for the Ka-50 (!) and I too had my share in those discussions, so I thought it would be nice to mention the Black Shark here, as it is surely one of the main benchmarks in the curent state of flight simulations.

    What I like the most in the Ka-50? The highly immersive and very detailed flight model (with special regards to coaxial helicopter dynamics), "real" HUD, lifelike sounds, very detailed cockpit and procedures (along with possible failures), the best NVGs I've ever seen in any sim or game and many other things. Even the painfully detailed manual, which is 534 pages long :) Ahhh, Falcon times, when "hundreds of pages" was a standard length for any serious pdf knowledge resource...

  4. Sorry, it wasn't offside :) The final goal was perfectly valid and was a direct result of one mistake, that was made almost simultaneously by all of the Dutch players. Everyone focused on the ball, and forgot about Spanish players. Take note, that anyone with the ball was immediately surrounded by 2-3 opponents, while players without it, were relatively free. Moments before Iniesta got the ball, two players that were supposed to cover him, were in fact behind him, not between him and the ball. Only one of them was able to barely touch incoming ball, but that didn't help much. Finally, Iniesta got the ball and used it with virtuosity :D Bravo! That said, Spaniards played better and more fair game, they really deserved that victory ;) Congrats!!

  5. I like your articles, reviews and interviews very much. They are very well written, being at the same time informative, enthusiastic and reasonable. Also, they make fantastic resource, I can use when confronting anyone, who thinks that X-Plane is poor and ugly. I love the sound of jaws hitting the ground :) Good job and keep it up!

  6. As I said, I don't blame you :) It's just the two posts in a row, that caught my eye. I'm sorry, if I misjudged you. And I'd hardly called a 14-pages thread, as a "no feedback" :D I can only imagine the positive madness, that's going to start, after the Jumbo gets relased. Planes that big, popular and well crafted doesn't just "show up", imagine what would happen if Elvis himself got into a city bus, to have a ride ;)

  7. Pure VFR dead reckoning, no radionavigation, no GPS. Only speed, time and heading. Not bad, considering turbulence and variable winds.

    The distinctive S-turns were to avoid cumulus clouds. They are known for having weird stuff inside, that I'm not really eager to get familiar with.

    Logbook excerpt:

    2 100706    NSFA    NSFA  1  2.1  0.0  0.0  0.0  PT-HSU  Jetranger



  8. I'm far from blaming anyone :) Why do you think I have chosen that signature? :D Even I'm sometimes guilty of thinking, "if it's done on a computer, it has to be easy". In fact, for the most of the time - it isn't. And I can assure you, that it took me more, than 10 days to stop drooling over the gauges on Sundowner and actually start flying ;) Kidding aside, the panel alone was one of the reasons that I've purchased it.

    tease BTW there are 4 repaints for the Sundowner already, awaiting for the paintkit... ;) /tease

  9. Another hotshot :D

    While WIP updates are nice and good and bring peace to the hearts of everyone interested and I thank developers for releasing them, I suggest that anyone who is impatiently awaiting an aircraft to be released, actually try to make one. Maybe then, you'll see, that's not that far from building a real plane, in terms of general experience - and so is the time required. Lots of research, lots of reading, many hours of 3D modelling and flight testing. Some of the literature has to be purchased, and don't think, it's a cheap hunt on ebay, one book can be as expensive as a whole decent payware aircraft, or even more. Now, change "3D modelling" into "working in a workshop" and you'll get the picture. Of course that is, if you want to do it properly, as is the case of Captain's B747.

    Real B747 (or any airliner for that matter) is build in many factories, by thousands of employees of various specialised companies. How many dev teams are that large and how many of these talented people can work 2-3 shifts, like the big, real factories do?

    Recommended reading:



    Mind you, I'm also silently, patiently awaiting the B747 :)

  10. It is a sweater! Or rather was - it's all that left from it, after what I've done with the plane :D Should have closed that canopy...

    The picture shows 2 flights of 35 minutes each, with a pit-stop for fuel somewhere between them. Later I've made one more flight, little over 1 hour, but that one wasn't screenshoted. I've been perfecting the display, that is drawn on Yak's panel. Albeit short, it's tricky in few moments.

    Prop torque is small, compared to warbirds or 300-350+ hp aerobatic planes, but noticeable and you have to compensate for it with rudder :) Engine sound is great and crispy, I had to turn off the music for some time, to fully enjoy it. Also, while it's an aerobatic plane, all right, small, light, responsive with huge control surfaces, it's far from "paper-plane syndrom" known to many X-Plane aircraft. The mass, the inertia - it's all there, in just the right proportions.

    One more note on panel, because you won't see it on screenshots. The magnetic compass is fully animated. As you abuse the plane, it turns, weaves and tumbles all over the casing. I've almost crashed once or twice, because I was playing with the compass alone and forgot about everything else :D Well done, Nils!

  11. Since my last post, I've been turning on REX everyday (sometimes for the sole purpose of checking it, on no-fly days) and I hadn't any troubles. On top of that, I've observed, that the whole application works obviously much faster. Thanks! :)

    How about the others, TOBS, hobofat? What are your observations?

  12. I'm on X-Plane v.9.55.

    Fire up Plane Maker and go to standard -> landing gear -> gear data. There you'll find a section about water rudder. For one to work, you have to set at least area (how big it is) and deflection (how many degrees it can be moved from centerline). Also it may be a good idea to set the location variables, to place the rudder where it should be, with regards to the aircraft's shape.

    I wasn't able to find any water rudder keypress inside of the entire X-Plane's list of possible key commands, so I guess all you need, is to set it in Plane Maker and have a handle in cockpit.

  13. If I understand correctly, REX gathers aerodata, then processes it to some digital format and uses this output data to control X-Plane weather environment, by setting several values, like wind, clouds, temperature and the like.

    I wonder, if it would be reasonably possible for REX to control how thermals are modelled, with regards to current weather?

    Thermals have two values: vertical speed, which could be a function of time of day, temperature and dew point, and the second value is thermals top, which could be taken from slightly modified cloud base on the lowest cloud layer. Additional variable could increase or inhibit both values, depending on predominant cloud type and coverage.

  14. Great video!

    I love "Into The Fire", especially the chorus:

    come one, come on

    put your hands into the fire

    x-plane, x-plane

    as I turn mixture and power

    Or something like that, my English is really, really bad ;D

    Have a look for another great "flying songs":

    Jonas Brothers - Fly With Me

    Gigi D Agostino - I'll Fly With You

    Kenny Loggins - Danger Zone

    Iron Maiden - Aces High

    Sabaton - Aces In Exile

    Pink Floyd - Learning To Fly

    Dos Gringos - Going In For Guns  :)

    John Savage - Bird Of Prey

    Fatboyslim - Sunset

    Brian May - Driven By You

  15. I know that Sundowner doesn't use Gizmo, and personally I hadn't any problems with this plane, regarding fps and performance, on a weaker PC. However, I had problems with Gizmo affecting another non-Gizmo aircraft, and maybe that tricked me into thinking that way, and I've tried to help by sharing what I know :)

  16. I had the same issue, but with C400. Try rebooting scripts in Gizmo (look for it in plugins menu -> Gizmo, in the sim itself) or disable Gizmo at all (by removing it from plugins folder in X-Plane folder), after you've registered all the planes, that require doing so. Another possible cause, is weather or terrain loading, that causes hiccups. If that is the case, simply reduce graphic settings a bit, especially view distance and amount of autogen, like buildings, trees and roads.

    One more trick is to lock the fps at 19 (in X-Plane settings), which is enough to fly and prevents "the fog" from building up, for the most of the time. Actually after doing that, my overall fps are on average 10-15 higher, than before with fps locked at 30.

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