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  1. Dear Jim, You are right, I also had the external power unit connected. Like I said before, I was able to reproduce the CTD many times with the configurations mentioned above. I'll try to collect more data(maybe a video) to share with you. Should we keep talking here or can I reach you somewhere else? Regards, Gabriel Silva FAA MEI CFII CFI CPL IFR MEL SEL Types C-550 / C-650 / CL-30
  2. Hi All, I do have a CTD each time I try to use the weather radar. I was able to reproduce the bug by only bringing the batteries and avionics online multiple times while sitting on the ground. All I have to do is move the radar selector beyond off. It will crash X-Plane every time. Anyone else seem this? System is a Mid 2010 Core i5 27'' iMac running Windows 8.1 on Bootcamp. X-Plane 10.22 64bit. Regards, Gabriel Silva
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