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Everything posted by artoor

  1. Probably, that G1000 stored brightness? It is possible to make nav lights small?
  2. At me the same problem ( Such airport of icao exists
  3. I have found an error. The folder at me was called JGX_C400_1.1, and it is necessary - JGX_C400_1.10
  4. Again does not work! Some days were normal.
  5. Why master switches are disconnected after 2 minutes? To include them then it is impossible... (The switch always becomes off! XP9.50 r3 win7-64 bit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJ7mkV_mt5M If to load after that Falco, it fuel swither as all time on off!
  6. How to enter NDB which name coincides with NDB in other countries?
  7. artoor

    Ready Pad

    I know that some Russian projects (IL14, Goose) allow to make it through a plug-in "slava"(sasl) But they use custom avionics on lua.
  8. artoor

    Ready Pad

  9. artoor

    Ready Pad

    It would be fine, if it was possible PFD or MFD to transfer on the second monitor. It is possible in the near future?)
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