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  1. I wonder is there any sample code for that? It is not very easy to understand just with the documentation, a sample code would be very useful.
  2. How can I set the value every frame?
  3. It's ok. But, a = XPLMFindDataRef("sim/flightmodel/position/local_y"); XPLMSetDataf(a, 100.0f);, when I write this code it doesn't stay in the sky, it crashes after a while. It means y set once to 100.0f but it changes. I don't want it to change, I want it to remain as 100.0f.
  4. I wrote a plugin which should set the value of sim/flightmodel/position/psi to 0. I added a new generic trigger and linked the command by using Plane maker. No problem until here. When I click generic trigger it sets it to zero, but when I remove my hand on mouse it again sets it to it's own calculated value. I want psi to remain 0. How can I do this?
  5. I am developing a plugin. What I need to do is to change some variable's values every time step. One of them is elevation. I need to change the value of elevation but its not writable, is there any way to overwrite it?
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