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  1. Sorry for the lack of update but I'm totally dependant on Ben's progress. The product is done and running perfectly on my computer since the end of 2013, but I'm told I cannot release it on the x-pilot shop until the next big Gizmo update. We just have to be patient.
  2. FYI the plugin is 99% done on my side, just waiting for Ben to look at it and work his magic to bundle it as a releasable product for beta-testing. I'm planning on doing a version for the Ramzzess and Philipp's 777 and 757 later this year. I just love these planes.
  3. Yes you'll be able to deactivate the pictures/text or the sounds. I will probably run a poll to know what customers want next.
  4. To be determined but it won't be very costly. I should have more infos in a few days. IFR flights are great with the plugin, it's really cool not to fly in a ghost plane anymore. For example, the co-pilot will remind you to program the approach when nearing the destination airport. Following the release (once I'm sure there no bugs), I'd like to implement chit-chat like the co-pilot marveling at the scenery or the flight attendant randomly entering the cockpit to ask pilots if they want something to drink. I know it can sound silly but this kind of little things can really reduce the "dryness" of this otherwise excellent sim.
  5. I've been working on a plugin for the CRJ-200 which simulates the co-pilot, flight attendant, ground crew and passengers in a realistic way. For now it's only for the CRJ-200 (my favorite plane) but other popular planes should follow. A few features : - Fully voiced co-pilot, flight attendant, public announcements and even ground crew. All done by professional voice actors. - Fully voiced, realistic and dynamic checklists for the CRJ-200. And the co-pilot will perform its duties during landing/take-off. It's like a light (but still very realistic) version of FS2Crew. - Generate a dispatch sheet with a realistic schedule, Fuel/CG/VSpeeds calculations, METAR data etc. - Flight scoring and passengers reactions (like in the excellent FSX plugin FSPassengers). Your passengers will react if you perform dangerous maneuvers, applaud your nice landing but won't be happy if you don't follow the announced schedule. - Fully customizable flights (origin/destination, passengers, cargo etc). Each flight can be logged in HTML format. - You can even order a coffee from the flight attendant while cruising. Yup, it took me two days to code this, i regret nothing. If you enjoy the CRJ-200 and flying in a realistic way, I think you will love this plugin.
  6. vpil0t

    Left Handed

    I am right-handed, but I've learnt to use my joystick with the left hand so that I could use the mouse/keyboard with the right hand. It only takes 2/3 weeks to get really comfortable. Anyway, you could use the T.16000 from Thrustmaster. One of the smoothest and most precise stick available, low price, and can be used with the right or the left hand (the parts are removable and can be mounted on the other side of the stick).
  7. I own a lot of different joysticks (Warthog, G940, Aviator...) but the T16000 is the one I use 99% of the time for civilian flight sim. The stick is smooth and precise. I'm using it with my left hand (despite being a rightie) and use my right hand for mouse/keyboard and thrust levers. This is the perfect combo for me.
  8. Nope, still not working with the new version. Anyway I give up, I'll find a workaround, this is just one of the numerous CRJ bugs that I'll have to dodge. Thank you for your help.
  9. dref.publish does not seem to be a valid api Call error:OnBoot.lua:35: attempt to call field 'publish' (a nil value): OnBoot
  10. I can't see any of the CRJ datarefs in the editor. I can see datarefs for most of my plugins (sandy barbour's, xhsi...) but not for the CRJ.
  11. Nope, none of the solutions work. Gizmo can communicate with the CRJ plugin because I'm able to set/read some other CRJ datarefs, but the Vspeeds are always at 0. It may be a CRJ bug or some error on my side, but I really spent a lot of time trying to solve this problem. If somebody could confirm that it's indeed possible de read/set the Vspeeds values that would be great.
  12. Hello, I'm scratching my head around a problem I haven't been able to solve for a long time. I'm trying to access some CRJ datarefs, namely the Vspeeds of the plane, as set by the pilot prior to take-off. Philipp has published this in his CRJ Datarefs listing : // VALUES#define CRJ_SPD_V1_VAL "CRJ/spd/v1_value"#define CRJ_SPD_V2_VAL "CRJ/spd/v2_value"#define CRJ_SPD_VR_VAL "CRJ/spd/vr_value"#define CRJ_SPD_VT_VAL "CRJ/spd/vt_value"But I'm unable to read them (or set them) in my plugin (using Gizmo). No matter what I do, treating them as float or integer, they always read 0 (or some very strange, ever-changing numbers). Other CRJ Datarefs, like "CRJ/reverser1_arm", I can read/set them without any problems. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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