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Status Replies posted by TheSlasher

  1. I'm 99% done with x-plane. I'm so sick and tired of listening to the insults being traded in x-pilot.com but I'm forced to remain there because it is my only large download hosting outlet with a multi-thousand member following. I swear to god there are times when I wish I hadn't ever discovered x-plane and I'm so close to leaving.

  2. secretly re-installing XP9 on a separate hard disk, praying that it works this time

  3. It's fall! For all us farmers it means another grueling year of work, for most people it means beautiful leaves!

    1. TheSlasher


      We(not the farmers) should appreciate your work

  4. School has started :( My scenery won't be coming as frequent. Sorry. (Not like anybody cares) :)

    1. TheSlasher


      it just started!! for you! i've been in school for a month and a few days.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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