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  1. Well, I've tried to figure this out, but after reading the manuals and doing my own research, I'm stumped. I've managed to pull up the KDFW airport using WED, but I don't understand how to go about deleting the scenery I don't want. It just looks like a blank copy of the KDFW layout when I pull it up. The KDFW scenery I want to remove is all within a sub folder inside the main DFW area custom scenery older, and if I simply delete this KDFW folder, I get the desired result as far as removing the scenery I don't want while maintaining the other KDFW scenery that I do want. However, I receive an error message along the lines of "Error loading scenery- KDFW may look incorrect" upon start up as the sim seems to be realizing there is a folder missing. If I could just get the sim to not view this as an error, I'd be all set. As always, any recommendations are appreciated.
  2. Thanks for the help! I do have WED, and I've started working with it to learn how to edit out scenery areas. I haven't figured it out yet, but I'll spend some time reading manuals and browsing the forum until I get the job done. Thanks again for the help!
  3. Hi guys. I'm new to X-Plane, so I'm constantly searching for custom scenery to add to my library. A few weeks ago, I downloaded a DFW area scenery from Ted's X-plane scenery page. It includes basic scenery for KDFW, KDAL, as well as a few DFW area landmarks (stadiums, etc). Today, I found the new B. Godwin KDFW scenery that is even more complex, and I've installed it. I'd like this new KDFW scenery to be displayed without losing the landmarks and KDAL scenery from the original scenery download. At the moment, both sceneries are running on top of one another at KDFW. It's not terrible, but there are some areas where it's very noticeable there are two sceneries competing for the same real estate. I doubt it's helping my FPS either. How can I continue to have the original scenery display the KDAL and landmarks but not display the KDFW portion? Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide! I'm loving this X-Plane community so far!
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