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  1. Please see this Facebook Xplane Dedicated user's video a look at what I and others are seeing and having a problem of.
  2. Here is a video of it happening during a flight. Watch the full video and you will see it. It happens on most of my flights. Dave a320neo_1.avi
  3. Than you for your reply. I am not changing anything in the sim while flying. When flying at night every now and then a cloud brightens to white then fades after time. Hopefully the upcoming fix will solve my problem. Thank you. David Bruce
  4. I've been noticing when flying at night in total darkness clouds will all of a sudden turn white and within time fade to black. Has as anyone else experienced this? And is there a fix coming for it?
  5. I did as you instructed and the overcast looked just fine. It must be the problem of X Plane reading certain metars then from what I have been reading. I understand your program is just displaying what is ingested. I just hope X Plane can be tweaked for better realism for weather in the future. Then your programs will make the sim very realistic. Thanks for the test idea. Dave
  6. Hi Frank, I just saw this post and have the same problem. I wanted to see what the Dense Particles looks like with an overcast sky and It clears my skies or leaves a cloud here and there. Where can I send my log text to if I can recreate this again tonight? I am trying to find the best looking overcast sky I can. I am using the 980ti with 6gb Nvidia card. Dave
  7. I did yestereday and again today and never saw anything. Could it be resent to my email on file with x aviation? Dave
  8. I got the standard email stating V3 is out and where to get it, but I never received an email with a promotional code, and I own V2. Has it been sent out yet? And if so from who? The email I got was from X-Aviation. Dave
  9. Will the seasons plugin be coming out soon also? I did not know that. And UrbanMAxx? Awesome if it's true. Dave
  10. Any news and the next released update for SkyMaxx Pro? Dave
  11. Where can I d/l this scenery conversion? I don't see the zip file. Dave
  12. Yea, Just downloaded this scenery and found no lightning, no gates, just boxed buildings that are the shape of the terminals, but no gates, nor any other planes or objects....
  13. Hi Johnmaxx, Haven't chatted In a bit. I never spoke of the absence then appearance from the clouds. I was trying to figure why this was happening. Glad it's not just me and glad your working on it. Agrajag, I will let john lower some of your settings as I see sone are way to high. He's helped many settle xplane down and SMP to work together. I am surprised to see you have runways follow terrain contour as most have it off for scenery to look and be correct. Again for skymaxx best performance I will leave it to John. John I can't wait for the next update. Agrajag stay with SMP john will be able to help you. And as most x plane users know, we really need a new weather engine to make xplane the best sim and to make skymaxx the best it can be. In time the new weather engine will come. I've been where you are and we all are waiting. As always ask questions and post problems and most will help. Dave.
  14. Agrajag, I was having a lot of those problems as other were too. If you have the NOAA weather plugin installed then deactivate it, as it calls for weather updates way too many times and you will have all those pauses. Without it, you will have pauses but not as many and for a very short time. (1-2 seconds versus 5-15seconds) I also found that I lowered the cloud distance and tweaked the other settings to lesson the amount of the pause as the program has to redraw each cloud separately each update, and the more detail and distance you have for the clouds, the more your computer has to compute. AS well the slower your computer you have the harder it will be for it to do these tasks. So try those thing's and see if it lessons the time of the pause and lessons the amount of pauses. It has for me. I still do get a long pause (5-7 secs) every now and then but not as much as before. Good luck Dave
  15. Hmmm Ok then I do not know why after uninstalling NOAA WX and using real weather through X plane with XSB that Skymaxx isn't showing any clouds above about 5k. I only see clouds when taking off and landing. This is with NOAA not even in the plugins python script. I totally took it out. Dave
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