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  1. Im having a problem with det low visability fog, when im getting some altitude and getting above the fog it disaperers, only the normal clouds stay where the are and when im going down agiain det fog dosent come back its just gone and the visabilyti is as far as it gets.
  2. I seemed to have something to do with the World traffic plugin, disabled that one and now everyting is working.
  3. Did a manual start this time and did a test run and everything workt now. and nothing was wrong with the sound as i belived did also try with the automatic start option and did get a CTD again. but at least i can fly it now so long as i start the plane myself.
  4. It happens when I try to use the autostart of the engins from the right sidebar and when i try to load airplane with the option engines running checkt. havent learn how to do a manual start yet but will also try that now. Is all those Gizmo64: warng: sound.load(...): WAV: 404: messeges in the gizmo log realy normal
  5. Just bought this aircraft but cant fly it, X plane crashes when i try to start the engines. Have reinstalled it two times but with the same problem. according to the loggs it seams to be missing audio files for the airplane. Any ide on how to solve this problem Edit: It seems like almost every wav file in the sounds folder is only 43.1KB in size an unplayable in media player. Log.txt GizmoLog.txt
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