That was a quite interesting read, thanks! Though I'm more interested in the 3d structures (ie. roads and buildings), which weren't discussed too much. I've had a look around the downloadables and payware stuff, and my "chinese department store" feeling didn't abate much. A lot of it seems not only not worth the price, but actually inferior to the stock scenery. I wonder if there are any packages of autogen assets (road models, buildings, town blocks, trees, etc.) for various non-US localities, like African villages and Chinese slums. I didn't see any of those. What I did see a lot of was re-texturing the default green grass into, well, either actual satellite imagery, or random satellite imagery tiles, basically making the whole thing uglier than FlightGear (and that's pretty ugly). It goes pretty much against the very idea of how the XP10 scenery system was designed, doesn't it now? When I first saw the clean "model railroad diorama" look of XPlane 10, I thought "oh my god, this is definitely the future". Sure, it may look like a diorama instead of an actual city, but at least it doesn't look like something created by an insane patchwork artist, which pretty much all other flightsims look like. Paying money to go "back to the past" seems rather silly.