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  1. Thanks for your reply, been away a bit and just saw this. I have since discovered that everything will work perfectly if I use my Saitek quadrant but not with my Thrustmaster TCA. Wondering if anyone else has expereienced this?
  2. The one supplied with the aircraft
  3. Regardless of what I do, following the guide that can be found in multiple threads, I cannot put this plane in reverse thrust. I use the Thrustmaster TCA quadrant.
  4. I just got this aircraft today and followed the above instructions, my Thrustmaster TCA throttle quadrant will not enter the "reverse" zone. The TQ utility does show that it is in that zone.
  5. x-plane.org store Thanks
  6. I get a request to send a crash report after I exit XPX-64 while using the CRJ 200, has anyone experienced this? solutions? The only plug in I have is the one for Go Flight to run my MCP-Pro, the XPGF one. Thanks
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