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  1. While flying along smoothly with the autopilot engaged in LNAV and ALT HLD I selected HDG SEL. After making the change on the MCP the yoke began to move rapidly forward and aft and the elevator trim could be heard running. I disconnected the autopilot and retrimmed the elevator. I was using an MCP panel I had constructed and thought that might be the problem. So after the airplane settled down I reengaged the autopilot and used the mouse to change modes on the MCP. The same thing happened again. Once again I disconnect the autopilot and tried to get the airplane straight and level but this time I seemed to have no aileron conrol. I was flying in X-Plane 11 but the same thing has happened several times in X-Plane 10. Log.txt
  2. Thanks I have started to download everything. I'll be away from my computer for a week or so but look forward to working my way through it when I return. blegen
  3. I need some help with custom commands Page 16 of the Interface Guide starts a long list of manipulator datarefs. I have built some hardware and would like to add a rotary encoder for changing the EHSI range. On page 22 of the Interface Guide I found - ixeg/733/ehsi/ehsi_range_pt_act and ixeg/733/ehsi/ehsi_range_cpt_act On another forum post I found - [EHSI Range] new_command=EHSI Range dataref=ixeg/733/ehsi/ehsi_range_pt_act description=EHSI Range values = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 The problem is I have no idea where to put it to make it work. I have tried to find a beginners guide to Commands and Datarefs with no luck. It seems that I should be able to cut and paste but I don't know what files or which program to use. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  4. DTA rotary hardware is an encoder (2090 Rotatry Encoder) from Desktop Aviation. I used it to make an MCP. I fixed my altitude window problem by resetting everything with the ixeg/733 list under Buttons: Adv. I had originally used the sim/ commands. Thanks for the suggestions.
  5. After installing update 1.0.4 the MCP altitude window reads 100000. If I try to set it, a bunch of random numbers flash in the window and then it returns to 100000. I tried to make a debug file but I received an "INVALID EXPORT" message. GizmoLog.txt Log.txt FlyWithLua_Debug.txt
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