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Everything posted by MartynJF

  1. Thank you for the positive responses and offers of assistance! We intend to release the 800XP and Eurofighter for XP at first and based on the success of those aircraft we will decide what to move on to next. Thanks Martyn
  2. Hi all, I come in search of X-Plane experts! We (Just Flight) are currently in the process of modifying our existing FSX 800XP BizJet (http://www.justflight.com/product/800xp-bizjet) for use in X-Plane 10. As our main expertise lie in the area of Microsoft Flight Simulator, I am looking for some X-Plane addicts to assist us with the testing of the aircraft. As well as spotting any bugs we would be looking for general feedback on any areas that could be improved (within the limiations of X-Plane). Here are a few preview images of the aircraft in X-Plane 10: If you would be interested in helping us, please contact me - martyn[at]justflight.com Thanks Martyn
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