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Hi Everyone!

Ok.. it seems this plane alreasy is flying on several computers. A good number of them are flying it without any issue for now, others find little, medium or big bugs that can make them not be able to enjoy what they buyed, and that should not happen, because they spent their money on it and have to be able to fly it even with low performance.

I want to say that we are not so good and amazing from the people that doesn't have any issue.. and also we are not as bad from people that has crash to desktop. This plane is very very very complex one, and even we tested a lot in different configurations what maybe is working the 80-90% may not work on the other 20-10% (just saying numbers without any real study about it). But we must effort to understand why those not working cannot enjoy the plane, and if our mistake then correct it.

Soooo... I want to make a post here of every bug, little to big everybody found on this support forum and explain what is happening if we know. So lets start:

Very important bugs CTD

1. After you install it you have an Crash to desktop (CTD), but you run correctly the hardware testing.

Posible solution: The first you have to do is download the demo version of X-Plane 9. Just install it in other directory. Yes, I know it takes time but that way we are sure it is not a problem from us. You have a clean demo of XPlane, WITHOUT ANY PLUGINS inside. Install the CRJ200 in there and run it. If it runs correctly then it is maybe a plugin conflict. You should then, uninstall your other plugins and find it is works on your normal x-plane installed directory.

It seems that some users found problems with x737 plane (with gizmo). Uninstall it and try this time.

Also Uninstall the CRJ tester if you didn't It can make the plane crash!

also CustomSBDataRefs002Mac.xpl (maybe also lin and windows versions)

Airport-Nav.lin.xpl (maybe also win and mac version)

If it is not working because any plugin just report and we will try to fix that for a future full work with other plugins.

No... not working. Ok so still nothing. For those that no working on the demo version.. try to make this things inside the demo version.

a) Load first a default plane and later the CRJ see if now it works.

:D maybe your problem is that the installer didn't make a good job. This is not because the installer is bad, but because you have something on your computer it made work bad. We are still working on a solution. Some people copied the plugins inside plugins/CRJAvionics to resources/plugins/vascore directory. This maybe makes the plane load but you will have problems for sure. It seems some plugins are missing when installing. We are working on those... BUT please check this out. You should see this layout folders inside your x-plane directory:


liblinux (folder)







SidStar(folder) this is where you copy the navigraph data

SavedRoutes (folder)

NavData (folder) all files inside are also navigraph data

CRJ200 (folder) Display frames

and inside CRJ200/plugins/CRJAvionics this layout:

liblinux (folder)









ensure that all those files and directories are there.. if not, then you have a problem with the installer. We are working on that. But someone reported us that he had the plugin installed only on the cRJ directory and he found two liblinux folders. The one with only one file (libQtCore.so.4) should go to the vascore folder inside resources/plugins. BUT I should say that is better wait X-Aviation fix that problem.

c) The linux build relies on glibc32 v 2.11 or newer installed. Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is build with 2.10 and won't load the CRJ. If you don't want to upgrade to 10.10 or 11.04, you can install the library from the repositories by going to this link: http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/lib32stdc++6

2. I insert ICAO to airport field in POS INIT page inside FMC and CTD. Also hit Left function key and CTD

a) again try with a clean demo of X-Plane, if now it is working is because you have a plugin that has conflict with the CRJ. It seems that x737 and gizmo has some issues about this. Maybe you have an conflict with Airport-Nav.lin.xpl plugin Pick a new version here and try (but again there is a conflict with other plugin):


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those issues I can fly but they make me crazy

1. On the PFD I see squares crossing on the botton.

Not verified yet. Seems to occur only on certain Linux installations.

2. I am unable to insert the coordinates for IRS init. I can see any ---°--.-- ---°--.-- under  SET POS .

You have to turn irs knobs on pedestal to NAV position. If you have started the plane with engines running, the IRS is already aligned, but if you still want to set position, IRS knobs to Off and back to nav. That way you can enter coordinates in 5RK.

To go through the full alignment procedure, you have to start the plane cold and dark by de-selecting "start with engines running".

3. once I set up TGT trust limit to let's say 90.5% and move throttles forward at some point throttle lever goes all the way up and basically ignores all joystick inputs as well as tries of moving it back with mouse. It goes away once I delete TGT. I am doing something wrong?

the way to simulate the limit thrust is controlling the maximum movement of the throttles, so if you put for example 80%, the throttles will only move to the detent equivalent 80% N1 and can not be pushed further.

There are people that could push harder than the limit. That is because they use separate axis for each throttle. Fix is underway in 1.1 version. Also the stuck ones fix in 1.1.

4. when flying on cloud conditions the illumination affects differently the main scape door and engines

Yes, there is a mistake on shine rat, whith those objects and because I didn't see it on those conditions they must be corrected on next patch.

5. I can see terrain through the "-" symbols on the FMC

To show backlight I use transparent texture. there it isn't any backlight but I forgot putting transparent. It is a little issue that will be corrected but only visible if you are very close to the fms. I guess all have their view farther than that point. But fix is already done in 1.1

6. when you use the wiper, you get a perfect clean windshield, that gets dirty right after you turn them off...

that is because I use a trick to clean the raindrops. That trick also affects transparency of other objects layers. A small price we have to pay to have the clean of those raindrops or ice. Nothing can be done here.

7. you mentioned to use a hardware button for thrust reverser toggle. I assigned the same as I am using all the time. But the reverse only opens - I cannot close it again. it is not a toggle it stays open.

You can do it with a button of your hardware.. but to toggle the reversers, throttles has to be at 0% thrust COMPLETELY IDLE. So if your hardware is sending peaks of 1% or 2% to x-plane the reversers are locked with hardware (do it with mouse).

So for either activating or deactivating the reversers, you need 0% throttle input.

Better calibrate your throttle axis carefully. Asign a bigger deadzone, or just press F1 once to ensure throttle are really iddle.

Also in 1.1 version it will come a better programming logic for de-activate reversers even joysticks are sending 1% - 5% thrust.

8. can't open the door

for opening the door these 2 conditions needs to be met:

- cabin differential pressure below 0.1 psi

- parking brake set.

you have to set the correct destination airport pressure altitude, otherwise cabin won't depressurized after landing and door won't open (well it opens but jumps back to close. that is becasue plugin looping verification)

There is a bug inside x-plane9 that will be corrected in xp10. So we have make bigger the difference to alow people open the door. Not realistic but nothing can be done there. In 1.1 version.

9. I have good FPS but small micro stutters when flying

There was an issue before releasing the plane, showing the LEGS page on the FMS. This was fixed, but still I had sooooooo light stutters. Nothing very important to not release it. It seems that maybe in some configurations (like always A is not working like A in all computers) those veryyyyy smaaaaall shutters comes and become small or even not possible fly (low spec computers). So what you have to do for now? Just don't show the LEGS paga while flying. You don't have to be showing the LEGS page to make a correct flying. Even with the MFD information you have enough. When you want make the TOD point, then you wan show it, and make your calculations. Then hide it again.

Of course we will try to fix this one on future patches.

A user reported that he had overclocking his computer and once he reset back to default settings all the shutters dissappeared.

Other just deleted all internet windows, and other programms he has working paralell with x-plane. Now working good for him.

10. Nav data problems.. I don't find the point that I inserted on my flight plan! It shoud be there!

Ok.. you are flying with a free database that Navigraph sent us and allowed us to use. But in that database not all the points are there. Usually the missing points are fixes, so those are easy to fix on the fms programming if you don't want to subcribe Navigraph, but maybe they deleted VOR or NDBs also. The best is buy their database. I believe is very very cheap. But if you don't want to, still you could tune the radios and do it the old way. I know that is not the way real pilots do things right now, but you know, they also have the radios there in case something is wrong during flight. And this could be one of these situations.

Repeat, this is not a bug, this is a Nav database upgrade issue.

11. I don't like the FMS, it doesn't have VNav, not fuel Calculations, not TOD point, wtf? you released a plane medium ended but you still ask 60$, it should be 30$!!!! I want my UFMC back!!

Ok, first I have to say FORGET YOUR OTHER F.... PLANES!!! this is a CRJ200. Is the same like you for example come from an F1 car and buy my turism with only 5th gear box. "WHERE IS MY 6TH AND 7TH GEAR POSITION????" The same.

This is a CRJ200. It doesn't have Vnav automatic flight. It doesn't have autothrottle, it doesn't have TOD. Only has Vnav advisories, that are half implemented right now but they will be, but they are not necesary to fly the plane correctly. And we will make improvements on holding patterns.

About the money. I know this plane is more spensive than the simulator. That has a reason. All the users of x-plane paid for x-plane (not the pirated ones) but all the users of x-plane didn't pay for the CRJ, and wont. Even x-plane is cheaper they made more money than us for sure. Even if we put the plane at 30$ we wouldn't make the same money as Laminar made by far, becuase not all people likes IFR planes.

BUT also we 3 people, were working for 2.5 years with big stress sometimes, with almost 2 cancelling situations, without any penny paid. We made a little miracle.

BUT... still I would mention PMDG or other big planes inside FSX that still they are much more spensive than us. And there are addoms on FSX more spensive, but with less quality than this CRJ.

12. Are those blurry black pixels on border of windshield, going to be fixed or removed? I won't buy the plane until then

No, they are not going to be removed. They are part of tricks I use to make some stuff never seen in x-plane like rain and ice cleaning. You could modify the texture if you want, but you are ADVISED that you could break something inside the plane. This plane uses tricks never seen and it has been balanced to do that. If you modify something little, can make a big impact on the plane. So there is a reason why those blurry pixels are there. But if you won't buy the plane just because that, then I would suggest you have a 50 minutes running and when relaxing again think twice. You are missing a great plane for just so little.

13. When turn on the flood light, or even the beacon is flashing I have a drop of FPS

This is because the memory inside your graphic card. This plane uses 21 OBJECTS INSIDE!!! Imagine x-plane allows to use 20, but I trick the simulator to use 1 more!! Each object has it's own texture.... so start adding to memory. If you don't have a good video card (I mean a good memory video card ammount) then you may have problems. A good solution is buy another videocard... but other is to compress textures to save VRAM in rendering options. Other downgrade the size of textures in rendering from the most top... to high or so.

14. Plane loads correctly but it don't let me use the battery switch, or I don't see displays running when I load the plane with engines running

This is because the plugin didn't install correctly. 99% times is because you made a bad install. The installer ask you for your MAIN x-plane folder instalation.. not the plane folder instalation. Please point installer to your MAIN x-plane folder installation. Thanks!  :D

15. In several situations I find that moving the camera, some textures become totally white

Activate pixel shader inside renderings. Because you are not using them the 3d engine is not using normal maps, and more important specular maps so everything is brighting the same lever. I put an strong bright to kill them through the specular level. Activate it.

16. I load the plane but coordinates in fms and route doesn't appear right. I am using Linux.

Seems that you have to put the languaje in English. Local configurations can make the CRJ not make a good representation in coordinates.

17. I want use my hardware to manipulate the plane, is it possible?

we will give you soon the names of the datarefs used inside the plane, but we cannot program the drivers for your hardware. So you have to ask the creator of that hardware to do it. We cannot do it becuase we would have to buy every hardware in the world, and we don't have the time and the money for that.

Of course you can manipulate yokes, pedals, landing gear,flaps and other principal controls, without doing anything. Just plug and play your joysticks. But not others as autopilot, light switches, etc because are driven by custom datarefs. Maybe some would work but unexpected behaviours can be found.

Please also read Philipp list of know bugs in sticky one. Thanks!

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