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XP10 64bit plane suddenly jumping, fire, panel gone

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I run XP10.20 64bit on a WIN7 64bit PC.


After around 5-10 minutes of flight, the plane suddenly jumps like in very heavy winds, then left engine catches fire. Few seconds later the main panel just disappears. I already reinstalled the plane and did several testflights, all with same results.


Engine instruments are within the limits, nothing above red line.


Attached pls find the x-plane log file.


Maybe somebody has an idea ?




Edited by pijak
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After around 5-10 minutes of flight, the plane suddenly jumps like in very heavy winds, then left engine catches fire. Few seconds later the main panel just disappears. I already reinstalled the plane and did several testflights, all with same results.


Maybe somebody has an idea ?

As Javier suggests, try the same flight, but select X-Plane menu, Environment, Weather, click "set weather uniformly for whole world", then click the CAVOK button, [x] out back to the aircraft, go fly the same route that cause the problem last time, and see if you still have a problem.

If so, copy down your exact route and exactly what you did just before the problem. i.e how fast, what alt, flaps up or down, engine settings Torque, RPM, EGT ect.

Avoid areas like this: :o which you can create by just "draging clouds around" in X-Plane environment :D

Or by having Real Wx enabled!!!

post-7830-0-38367800-1363039145_thumb.jp post-7830-0-25041900-1363039650_thumb.jp  post-7830-0-78945700-1363039640_thumb.jp


Edited by cessna729
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Thanks for fast reply.


I did the same flight just with CAVOK and the same happens. When passing FL100 I switch off seatbelts and landing lights, just a few seconds later fire on engine No1. The route I intend to fly is LSZA-LOWI routing like: ORI L615 OSKOR M985 SUMIR M726 BRENO.


Please see the pictures for engine and weather settings. As you can see No2 RPM is well below 100%, I always reduce RPM just after takeoff to 95-97%.






Edited by pijak
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Hello Javier,


Bad managed engines? Actually I always keep RPM, EGT, Torque well below the red line, no amber lights are illuminated. Oil cooler flaps are open. Version 1.03 was working well on my computer with XP 32bit.


Thats why I posted. I´m aware that overheating the engine will cause damages. Whats strange is the jumping of the plane before the engine catches fire. So the fire must be a result of the jumping, caused by ... ? Not by the weather ;) And why does the panel disappear ?


Maybe something to do with that ? :


Loaded: E:\X-Plane 10/Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/plugins/systems/64/win.xpl.

Clean exit from threads.
0:02:16.839 I/SCN: Failed to find resource 'Panel.png' (parent = 'Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/' at 'Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/Panel.dds'
0:02:16.839 I/SCN: Failed to find resource 'Panel.png' (parent = 'Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/' at 'Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/Panel.png'
0:02:16.839 I/SCN: Failed to find resource 'Panel.png' (parent = 'Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/' at 'Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/Panel.bmp'
0:02:16.839 I/SCN: Failed to find resource 'Panel.png' (parent = 'Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/' at 'Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/Panel.dds'
0:02:16.839 I/SCN: Failed to find resource 'Panel.png' (parent = 'Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/' at 'Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/Panel.png'
0:02:16.839 I/SCN: Failed to find resource 'Panel.png' (parent = 'Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/' at 'Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/Panel.bmp'


I bought your plane a few month ago and everything went fine until 64bit ... :mellow:




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Hello cessna729,


i reinstalled the whole x-plane, only installed the Jetstream to be sure no other aircraft plugin causes the malfunction. Then I tried the same flight again in 64bit and again passing FL100  right engine on fire. All engine instruments well below red lines. CAVOK Conditions.

Ok, then I tried 32bit. The flight goes well for 30 min, then the same - fire on right engine. I keeped all within the limits and out of nothing the plane jumps again. If I overheat the engine, it should burn within a few minutes according the manual, not after 30minutes.


I attached a video, which is unfortunately bad quality, but you can get an idea of what I mean. Please see the weather radar switched on, without red clouds, without any clouds.


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First news about this. This is not becasue the plugin I don't trigger anything at 10,000 feet or even make those jumps. It sounds to me like a change of weather and all is messed.

Try this. Turn weather always clear and not download weather from internet. Be sure you don't have random failures activated.

I thought it could be you started the engines manually and you leaved the rich on. That would produce a fire in engine.. but after seeing that jump in flight dynamics I trully believe it is because Xplane itself. Nothing related with the plane. Try to put 2 solutions per frame in flight dinamics in xplane instead the default 1.


As said you seem to be the only one with this issue. I had a jump like that long ago but was because a suddently change in internet weather and all red turbulences.

I haven't code anything inside the plugin. Maybe it would good to try with a default plane if do the same.

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@horani: the MTBF is off

@Javier: It´s not exactly FL100 but never below. I guess it is connected to time. I tried again a testflight with clear weather, no download, no failures and I set 2 solutions per frame. What can i tell you - the same happens. Well, not exactly the same, this time first the panel dissapears, then after 10 seconds the plane jumps and fire alarm is activated. Maybe it´s my graphics card ? Nvidia GF GTX560. But I didn´t change it, its still the same... .

I did a testflight with default KingAir ... nothing happend.

I´m still wondering about this entry in my log file:

Loaded: E:\X-Plane 10/Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/plugins/systems/64/win.xpl.

Clean exit from threads.
0:13:01.981 I/SCN: Failed to find resource 'Panel.png' (parent = 'Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/' at 'Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/Panel.dds'
0:13:01.981 I/SCN: Failed to find resource 'Panel.png' (parent = 'Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/' at 'Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/Panel.png'
0:13:01.981 I/SCN: Failed to find resource 'Panel.png' (parent = 'Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/' at 'Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/Panel.bmp'
0:13:01.981 I/SCN: Failed to find resource 'Panel.png' (parent = 'Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/' at 'Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/Panel.dds'
0:13:01.981 I/SCN: Failed to find resource 'Panel.png' (parent = 'Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/' at 'Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/Panel.png'
0:13:01.981 I/SCN: Failed to find resource 'Panel.png' (parent = 'Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/' at 'Aircraft/X-Aviation/BAe Jetstream 32/Panel.bmp'

Could this be a reason for loosing the panel after few minutes of flight ?

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No problem with that is normal. I mean the "Failed to find resource "panel.png" bla bla bla"


And does the same happen to you in 32bits? Have you tried in a fresh demo of xplane? Do you have xplane9 to try? I have totally no idea what can happen to your system. As said it is not the J32 issue.. because if so I would have lot of people saying the same.. and I just tried a flight and was all normal. Can you try in other computer you may have? The only way I always find problems is dividing solutions. So I try in another computer if I can, other version,...


If you say it is connected with time.. you could start the plane with engines on and leave it with throttle applies but parking brake on and see if you have the same ammount of time to the failure.

Did you correctly activate the plane with your email? Could you install again as said in other fresh demo instalation?


I cannot help you in this for now because I cannot reproduce the problem. You have to make the testings. If you could try in xplane9, xplane10.20 32bits or xplane 10.11 versions that could do something.. but no other users reported this problem.

Edited by Japo32
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Ok thanks so far. If somehow I find out what causes this strange behaviour I´ll post it here ... until then I´ll only do short traffic circuits with your plane :)  Thanks for help everybody .

Hi pijak, I've had a look at your video, that looks like classic "tile induced shift" that can be caused by flying accross a boundary between two ajacent tiles (that can be weather tiles or scenery tiles). It's most common when you fly from one square of weather data (try going to X-Plane Environment and zooming out and you will see a square area of "loaded weather") into another i.e when X-Plane real wx loads the next chunk of data (note, I suspect that it's not only when using "real Wx" and it has something to do with the way X-plane generats any wx). Less common cause is when you fly over a scenery boundary

If you can log your flight path route and note exactly when and where you were when you notice the problem, and also save a zipped copy of the metar.rwx file , we might be able to get a better understanding of whats causing it.


Edited by cessna729
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Hello cessna729,


I though already, its like flying against a wall ... I though it might be some invisible mountain, some error in scenery creation. So it can not be connected to the kind of airplane or the handling of the plane.


Anyway as requested I attached the files to this post. 

Thanks, I replayed your file and as you said, everything looks normal on both engines 80% torque, 95% RPM,EGT 620 deg C, then at 09:38 on the replay "bam", :o the right engine rpm suddenly drops to 40%, at 09:38:38 drops to zero and the fire bell sounds.and a massive jolt hits the aircraft., at 09:39:00 in the replay the right engine rpm increasses to 85%,  at 09:40:03 the left engine goes "bang" :o with its rpm dropping to zero, then increasing to 89%!! (note EGT stays at 620 deg on both????). When the replay ends at 09:44:89 both engines rpms have increased to 95%, EGT still at 620 deg C. Also cabin pressure ALT went off the scale.

As to what caused this, I'm stumped!! :blink:

Something is very strange, the replay is very interesting, but I don't know how well it will have recorded all the JS-32's systems (because I do know that some of the more complex sim aircraft that use clever plug-ins and custom datarefs are not always recorded well by the simple X-plane replay system).



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Yes and in the beginning I thought it´s a Jetstream problem, but for sure its not. I did several flights in other parts of Germany (real weather download switched on) and everything went fine. Must have something to do with scenery in this area.

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Not had time to look at all the replay data, but what little I've seen so far:

1. It appears that the right engine goes first, then a massive "jolt" hits the aircraft.

2. Then the left engine goes.

So it appears (on a initial quick look) that the "g loading" occours after the 1st engine starts to fail, not before, so it is unlikely to be Wx related (as if it had been Wx related you would expect the turbulence ect to have caused the "G-loading" that may have led to the engine to fail, fuel starvation ect).

Need to look at the data in detail, to find out exactly what happened when, but that will take a bit of time :(


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This we already discussed before, they are turned off !


Must be Scenery ... or Dragons.

I installed the X-Plane scenery (for the LSZA area) and Updated it, and went looking for those "pesky dragons" :)

post-7830-0-00405800-1363438617_thumb.jp  post-7830-0-80666900-1363438602_thumb.jp

Didn't find any :(  I did notice slight effect an occasional short term "uncommanded yaw" from side to side, on average one each search leg.(suspect it is X-Plane's Wx system, as Real Wx downloading was enabled, but Real Wx reports give almost CAVOK conditions, it just appears that X-Plane is "inventing things" occasionally IMHO).

The other thing is X-Plane started out following the GPS planned seach pattern, but appears to "get lost" after an hr or so (will investigate later).

If anyones interested I used this site to generate the .fms file then just assigned a button on my joystick to trigger the LOAD FMS fle into the JS-32's GARMIN GNS430 (seems to work quite well :D ).


The 2nd search pattern was even better. :D :D

post-7830-0-76891800-1363444198_thumb.jp  post-7830-0-51910700-1363444211_thumb.jp



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