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How to Find a Development Team


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I have a question that I haven't seen anywhere else, and it relates to the process of aircraft development for X-Plane and how to go about accomplishing complex and ambitious projects. My question is simple; how best should one go about finding a team of developers to begin work on a project for X-Plane? I ask this because I have, for a very long time, been longing to create something for X-Plane and satisfy my desire to create as well as give back to a community that has provided me with much fun and learning. I have quite a bit of (non-professional and non-formal) experience with 3D modeling software (i.e. Blender) and I've always wanted to put my skills to use in developing aircraft for X-Plane. But my skill set is far too limited and my free time far too short for me to take on anything near as ambitious as I would like. For this reason, I'm wanting to search for a development team, people with skills other than just modeling in 3D, but I've never put together such a team, nor have I ever really been very vocal within the X-Plane community. This is not me asking for team members, but rather, how and where would you (other developers) suggest one go about finding people capable of working together on ambitious add ons?

If you have any personal stories or opinions of working with others for X-Plane development, especially strangers you've never met, I'd very much like to hear. Of everyone I interact with regularly in my studies, I know nobody who is both willing and able to work with me on anything relating to X-Plane.

Btw, I'm a pilot in the real world, and a university student, which is why I cannot spend the time to work on projects alone; if I did, they'd never get done.

Edited by Iridium
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The way High Alpha Development Group started was that I wanted to make an EMB-120. I met both of the other members of the group in the forums. One helped me from the beginning, and the 3D modeler joined a little later, but has now done a crazy amount for the aircraft. It's been months, and we're still working on it. It went pretty well. If I were you, I'd just start modeling an aircraft and see who wants to help out.

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