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Hello everyone



I have posted on various forums asking for assistance in reference to ATC standalone programs for either X plane or MS flight Gold edition. I had to leave the occupation I loved as a Rotary pilot. I have multiple sclerosis and epilepsy so understandably my FAA status was pulled. Not looking for pity, looking for anyone willing to assist me via phone on the technical set up and advice regarding an ATC program.


I am very willing to pay you for your services. My cognitive memory is the real issue. Also I have not discovered many YouTube videos that help installing and operating these programs. The ATC program for MS flight Gold is decent. The graphics and computer glitches have made this program not a very desirable one. X plane 10 is definitely my favorite, however the ATC portion leaves a lot to be desired.


 Most of the vendors have not been that great in corresponding with me to resolve technical challenges surrounding their software. Some have been fantastic; problem is I’m not familiar with a lot of the computer jargon. I have posted on forums not many, asking for advice but I just haven’t received much response. I have spent a lot of time and money trying to find an ATC program that works well with X Plane 10. Due to some speech issues VASIM. ICAO and simulated real-time ATC programs are way out of my league. Not to mention that a lot of the individuals are very serious in starting an aviation ATC related career. My communication skills at one time were excellent now a lot slower and I even have problems remembering my military phonetic alphabet.


I reside in the San Francisco Bay Area very willing to pay for your time and phone charges to help me out. So for with all the money arms I’ve spent, well after 29 years of marriage unfortunate my wife is a very understanding soul. Here are the programs I have purchased over the last year or so since my early retirement. I am really enjoying learning commercial fixed wing aircraft. That is my main focus. I currently have


Multi crew for X plane, which I have down to a science problem is the X plane version does not work as well is multi crew ultimate for FX. And yes I had to pay for both of these separately. The ATC features are fair but need improvement. 


Edit voice pack XL for FSX, I read this program can also be used for X plane 10 however I have found no information confirming this, trust me I’ve looked.


Pro ATC X for FSX- very well versed in this, the problem is I must be doing something wrong because I can only get to a certain point and then I’m reverted back to the FSX standard ATC format. I was told Pro ATC X would work with X plane 10, I have not been able to find any information regarding this.


PILOT2 ATC- fantastic technical support, however they advise me running this program on more than one screen is not possible. I’ve never had it fully operational on a single screen, just close no cigar.


RC 42X plane/radar contact version 4- looked like it had some great potential, my most recent purchase, and not a cheap one.  Looked real promising, however sent just one email regarding registration issue, so far no response. I’ve been very patient reminds me of my time in the Army as a UH one AC, hurry up and wait.


World traffic- this one was a no-brainer, however I’m kind of confuse as to what goes where regarding route planning for various regions. I have the FSX’s version.


Thank you in advance for reading my novel, please email me at rob11749@sbcglobal.net if you are interested in my offer. Heck I’ve got so much money wrapped up into thi what’s a few more bucks.  I promise my name is not Bozo D clown or Gomer Pyle. Believe it or not I’m pretty decent on computers.  Just don’t have any friends that share my enthusiasm for flight understandably so when we’ve all logged in thousands of hours.




I’ll be glad to call you give you my full name drivers license and firstborn promise I’m not a stalker or serial killer.  I do not have a lot of time to get on the forums but when I do I’m not finding much information regarding my dilemma, not to mention I continue to teach RRotary ground school as I have a full simulator at my house.  ATC here is not a problem because I can double up and play both roles.





510-207-5322    e mail rob11749@sbcglobal.net

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I am surprised that no one has responded to you as of yet. I don't know how much help I will be as I only have experience with one of your issues, WT2. I do have a tech background so I may be of some assistance, but again, I have never attempted to use any of the other programs. Let me know.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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