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Go Flight Modules Problems - W/ Xplane 10


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If you are using Go Flight MCP or GO Flight nav/com modules, I would like to ask you to look at this thread and suggest a solution.


I have connected to my system:


GF-MCP (the old, not PRO version)

2 x GF116 Modules

Using Sandy's latest plugin for GoFlight


I have all 3 connected to a single USB hub that draws all its power from the PC (the hub doesn't have its independent Power supply)


My Problems:



-Turning the altitude knob makes it behave weird (turning it up, the number goes up non-uniformly and turning it down the number keeps going up, as in 1k, 2.5k, 3k, etc.)

-V/s has same issue but much worse behavior (the numbers jump up by larger interval)

- IAS knob (when turning it to increase the speed) only increments the current value up by few values before then deciding to decrease the values (this is still while turning the knob to increase the speed) really retarded issue but it depends on the aircraft I have selected (with CRJ it behaves correctly)


GF166 Modules:

-Sometimes one of them just freezes (the display is on but nothing happens when you turn the knobs or press buttons,- this can be observed on the hardware/and in the xplane itself)


To check if there's something wrong w/ the selected aircraft I used the knobs on the MCP in virtual cockpit and the knobs behave correctly setting the values correctly so it leads me to believe something is wrong w/ the hardware.



Since I cannot find instruction manual for my older GF-MCP, anyone wants to suggest the hookup, do I need an externally powered hub?

Do I need externally powered hub for the radios?





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I just switched to powered hub (I think it is USB, or USB 2.0),- after doing some troubleshooting, I think it is related to datarefs,- I will know soon for certainty when I write my custom plugin using their SDK. If I can write/read the data coming of their hardware, then it is datarefs and the implementation of that person's plugin.

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