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VATSIM Event - Memphis Fly-In (KMEM) You are Invited!

Toby Rice

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Hey Guys,

My Virtual Airline's Alliance is hosting a VATSIM event going to KMEM this Saturday. 

We plan to fly from KORD to KMEM. Probably about 1.25 hour flight if we fly 737s, A320s, etc.


Details Below:


Memphis Fly-In

Date:   Saturday, August 23.

Time:  3:30 PM EST (2030z)

Airports:   KORD to KMEM

Distance: 428 NM


You can use another Flight plan. This is only recommended. The 1st one has RNAV, and the 2nd does not.


Plan:   Depart KORD at 3:45 EST on VATSIM, fly to KMEM via the route filed, then land at KMEM at around 5:00 EST.


Recommended aircraft:  Boeing 737, Airbus A320 (Family: A318 through A321), or anything with an average cruise speed of 400 kt or more (Ground Speed).


Exception:   You may fly any aircraft you want, but most will fly the recommended Aircraft.


Notes: ATC will be contacted in order to have at least Center online at both airports. KMEM Ground will be controlled by me 

Preflight and briefing at 3:35 PM EST (2035z), departure (When you call ATC for clearance) will be at 3:45 EST (2045z).

Event hosted by Soar Airlines, through AeroFlight Alliance. All airlines of AeroFlight are welcome to join! 

Schedules will be made for the airlines to fly.

BlueHawk Virtual Airways will also be attending this event and will have Schedules made for pilots to fly



Join Us on VATSIM and AeroFlight's TeamSpeak Server!

TS IP:    bhv.ddns.net


On TS, just say you're from X-Pilot, and you will be given permissions and join the fun.


Come and have some fun with us  :) 

 If you can come, reply and let me know if you can. If not, no biggie  B)

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