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XP10 DSF-to-GML v2 script released


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This little free(donationware) script (now in Version 2) helps to transform most parts of DSF files of X-Plane 10 Global Scenery to the GML format. The GML file then can be opened with most modern GIS tools, like the open source tool QGIS, to visualize the internal data structure of the DSF.


DISCLAIMER / IMPORTANT: this tool is only for technically versed / interested persons, who know:

  • how to work with the command line
  • have basic knowledge of scripting languages (especially AWK)
  • do know what GIS means, and how to work with GIS tolls!

I will NOT give support/help of any type to people who obviously lack any of these skills!


This tool is only for visualization purposes and will in no way help you edit the basic DSF structure!


Currently it recognizes these DSF features (and their properties – you can read a lot on them and their use and properties under this link):

  • terrain triangles (physical and overlay) this also means water (.TER)
    • TERRAIN name of terrain type assigned
    • FLAG physical or overlay
  • forests (.FOR) polygons and lines
    • TYPE forest name (FOR) used
    • 1. FLAG
  • strings (.STR)
    • TYPE string name (STR) used
    • 1. FLAG
  • beaches (.BCH) only generic, no type identification
    • TYPE beach name (BCH) used
    • 1. FLAG
  • lines (.LIN)
    • TYPE line name (STR) used
    • 1. FLAG
  • draped polygon (.POL)
    • TYPE polygon name (POL) used
    • 1. FLAG
  • facades (.FAC)
    • TYPE facade name (FAC) used
    • 1. FLAG
  • autogen blocks (.AGB)
    • TYPE autogen block name (AGB) used
    • 1. FLAG
  • autogen strings (.AGS)
    • TYPE autogen string name (AGS) used
    • 1. FLAG
  • autogen points (.AGP)
    • TYPE autogen point (AGP) used
    • 1. FLAG
  • networks (road, railroad, powerlines) these are currently only identified by their roads.net subtype numbers!
    • SUBTYPE number of network segment (road, railroad, powerline)
  • objects (.OBJ)
    • TYPE object name (OBJ) used
    • ORIENTATION rotation of the object

You can see a few screenshots showcasing the usage of the resulting GML files in QGIS here: DSF-to-GML v2 script and QGIS


It works on Linux, Windows and I think on Mac too.


Infos and download is in the Tools / Scripts section of my web site:


Edited by alpilotx
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