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Simnor.no and the future!

Tom Knudsen

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Dear fellow x-plane users..


I am the CEO and founder of the Norwegian Aviation and Flight Simulation Community called Simnor (www.simnor.no)


Simnor had it's first launch on the 1st of October 2011 and have been providing service to all pilots, ATC and people with interest in aviation.

In Norway there are now two major community one beeing www.flightsim.no and then our company www.simnor.no. So here is the case..


Lately we have noticed an increase in the "FS" clan of the site provoking an everending battle between the gigants (here by refering to FSX vs XP)

As a founder and administrator of the site we would love to see any activity what so ever, but In our case the majority of our users are FSX or P3D users with

their sens of what is best and so on..  One could say activity is activity and that we should in fact be greatful for any new member that signs up, and we are of course that.

But Norway has a luxury problem right now, we have two major sites (kinda like x-plane.org and x-pilot.com) and users are transitioning between both. No harm in that and

it has been encourage by us (not the other site).. We on the other hand is the suffering part as our traffic is downfalling and statistics show that it is a decending trend.


Nevertheless, we have now come to the conclusion that we rather want to put our money into making and dedicated Scandinavian site for X-Plane users only and try to combine

our fellow interest in that simulator and community. We do not aim to steal away any members from this site or any other, and I can personally vote for that as a proud x-plane.org member my self.

But we aim to proved a common language platform for scandinavian speaking users where aviation, flight simulation and many more topics are key items.


We started out with myBB as our platform, but have lately moved on to Invision Board (IPB) as used in both x-plane.org and x-pilot.com - We proved right now a file library and a content platform as our main website. We do on the other hand not provide any chat function or gallery function as our membercount has not been high enough to justify that cost.


So what now! Well as mentioned we are now aiming to re-organize our site to be more adjusted and suited for x-plane users and we want to ear this out in the community sort of speak. We hope

there is an basis for such a site and we are most adaptable to any special needs in regards to category and forums. But our main focus will be x-plane and design, but also a couple of other branshes such as online activity for both IVAO and VATSIM coupled with i.e multiplayer etc..


The main language will be scandinavian but as most scandinavians do speak english, we do not disgard any engslish members if they so choose to join our community.


Are there any interest in such a site or do you have any perticular feelings, thoughts or ideas for our new path.


Please share your opinion as we are eager to hear them.


Kind regards

Tom Knudsen



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Didn't see that one coming, though I don't mind it being focused on X-Plane only.

As you said, there's a kind of a ".org vs. the outrageous others" kind of situation, and I left the other community because I couldn't stand how the leaders kept using their rights the wrong way. I ended up being banned for nonsense which could have been sorted by numerous actions, such as either delete or edit my response, or consult me via PM.


The new community you founded has been nothing but good for the X-Plane users in Norway.

Edited by OlaHaldor
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Well it is still in the planning stages and nothing is certain yet. I do believe most scandinavians are especially norwegians are best suited to have

two communities serving different content operating at the same time. But we also see a decending trend in the "forum" usage as FB and other social networks

are somewhat taking over as primary plattform for sharing and communicating.


Nevertheless, we aim to provide an basis for our common hobby and so should we aim to serve the community regardless what the future will bring.

I am still a firm believer that X-Plane is the future sim and if we focus on that perticular platform we may in the long run grow a healthy x-plane community in Scandinavia..

Until such a community is established will continue to scout for enough feedback in the community to make it worth while modding our current site.

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