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DME bug

I flew this Javier's creation many times and always without GPS.

Simply LOVE the IFR navigation with radio aids and noticed there is a quite macroscopic error in the DME Ground Speed indication.

At a cruise speed around 240 knots, I can read about 125 knots on display.

The problem show up on both displays (pilot and copilot).

Am I the only one?



On the 1.01 version we can arm Flight director and AFTER arm the autopilot as we do quite on ever real aircraft. My way to arm the autopilot is very classic. Take off, flaps up and trim the plane to climb with speed and rate I wish: reaching this configuration I arm the HDG/NAV mode and V/S or Pitch.

Every time I touch the throttle I need to trim again the ailerons (LOVE that) and to do that I am always very busy.

I use an Hotas Joystick so it will be very important to arm the autopilot mode by hotas button. My problem is I can't find the key to assign the joystick to arm that final autopilot mode and don't know if it is possible.

By now I have to leave the Joystick which I manage by my right hand (plane goes a little crazy this point) and arm it clicking the mouse (with big and unreal vertical/horizontal bank that I hate)

Really unconfortable.


RPM Levers

I saw Javier touched the way we can trim the props by RPM levers and eliminate the chance to manage it by axes.

I know that on the real plane we have just two fixed positions (Flight,  RPM 100% and TAXI, RPM 72%) but Javier is leaving to the pilot that chance to shift a bit around this two extreme fixed positions playing with mouse.


A big fun percentage piloting this bird came from this little shifting; this way is possible to fly ALWAYS inside the plane parameters (climbing, cruising and descending)

For example, if you try this on climb you will know that touching a little bit the RPM levers will find a new value in the key equation involving TORQUE, RPM AND EGT.

This way you can manage a very effective tuning (and will increase your fun) ;-)

This is another example of how difficult is to simulate the real plane.

I bet this is some kind of plane maker equations limitation but I agree 100% with Javer's vision of simulation concept. I have the chance to pilot in real a single propeller (got APPL) but I am not playing with sim to replicate that sensation because it's impossible. To me it's enough to study the manuals and try to investigate how to fly INSIDE the plane parameters, tuning and trimming the planes all the time.

Maybe I'm wrong but I bet I'm not the only simmer thinking this way.

Because of that need to shift the RPM levers I would like ask to Javier to let axes manage the RPM levers.


One trick

I experienced how important is to fly this plane with separate throttle axes, especially flying real weather conditions. You will be surprised how different can be tuning engines on the right and left side.



Sorry for long post and Happy New Year to the whole forum



Edited by iomagico

Hi! I also noticed the ground speed but always thougth it was because wind. I always put wind, so I believed my speed was slower. Has to check out but I saw it twice and saw it was the right dataref. It is easy to change. In plane maker you can see the numbers that controls the ground speed. And inside the dataref that is showing the data.

in the right menu in DMEPilot group/DMENav1/GroundSpeed you can see how the dataref is: sim/flightmodel/position/groundspeed

sooo if it is wrong.. is a problem of xplane... and should be reported.


About the turn autopilot. Yes.. in buttons of joystick I think is called toggle_servos. And if the plane is banking when you leave the joystick is because is not well trimed. Aileron trim to the left, to compensate the right banking.


About the RPM levers. The use of them by joystick break some minor parts of the plugin inside. That is why I leaved them not possible to map.


Glad you like the plane. It was hard work for let people fly it.


Hi Javier,

Thanks for the answer.


Don't know what's happen with JS32, but I can confirm you that DME ground speed is working good on other aircraft. Anyway it's a minor bug, we can check the ground speed turning on the gps.

Autopilot servo by button

No way to arm it by joystick. Checked every single key but can't do it.

RPM Levers

I figured out that something was breaking your plugin. No mind, will move the levers by mouse.

I know it was an hard work to let JS32 fly and I want to thank you for that.

But I want to thank you also for your way to help us to get even more fun from flying your planes.

Same for Cameron, always ready to help and solve any kind of trouble.

Thanks guys for your attitude.

Wish you a fantastic New Year, full of happiness and peace.

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