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Engine Spool up problems (after landing)

Kyle Sanders

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I have ad this problem in previous version of the CRJ2 but now it seems to happen ONLY every time I land.


I say "Every Time" but I have only had two flights with it. Both were on the VATSIM network.


I follow the checklist attached to this post to the TEE. (i made it).




-I land.


-Spoilers deploy


-REV THRUST is automatically engaged and brought to full by itself (this use to not happen, why does it come up by itself?, I have went ahead and advanced the throttle as well just in case and that allows me to retard the reverse thrust after passing 80kts- This could be effecting the problem)


-I exit the runway.


-Hold short of the next taxiway and prepare the aircraft for taxi


-Advance the throttle levers about 3/4's


N1 and N2 take about 40sec to spool up to desired thrust.



What is going on? This makes it to where i cannot get out of the way of other arriving traffic.


I dont believe that this is a new problem, because this use to happen to me around the beginning of this year but it usually happened randomly on the ground while taxiing to the runway.


I have talked to other users and they have not experienced this problem.


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i think, i had the same problem in the past.

i now use an own axis for "reverse".

below 80 knots i put reverse and toggle to idle/none (i had to calibrate the axis, that there is really no thrust left).

below 40 knots my rpm is low enough and i use a button to turn off reverse.


by the way: data.x-plane.com is using NAVDATA 2012.08 today. do you really use 1212?

and jrollon 1.5.2 delivered NAVIGRAPH 1208? i thought it was 1108, but i'm not sure.


x-plane 10.11

crj 1.5.3

navigraph 2012.10

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i think, i had the same problem in the past.

i now use an own axis for "reverse".

below 80 knots i put reverse and toggle to idle/none (i had to calibrate the axis, that there is really no thrust left).

below 40 knots my rpm is low enough and i use a button to turn off reverse..


by the way: data.x-plane.com is using NAVDATA 2012.08 today. do you really use 1212?

and jrollon 1.5.2 delivered NAVIGRAPH 1208? i thought it was 1108, but i'm not sure.


x-plane 10.11

crj 1.5.3

navigraph 2012.10


1) I use the standard procedure of ARMING the Reverse Thrusters on final, Then I land. They then automatically Activate (which they should) but then they actually spool up without me advancing them (which they shouldn't and never have until this version). I got ahead and advance the throttle levers anyways so that I can bring them to Idle once I hit 80kts. But the fact that they advance on their own may be part of my problem. (I use the Period key for the DEACTIVATION of the reversers once they are brought to Idle) I then taxi off the runway, hold short of the next taxiway, get taxi instructions, then advance my throttle to taxi thrust but it takes a LONG time for it to spool up from there. RIDICULOUSLY long to the point where I have to disconnect from VATSIM because im just sitting there taxiing up a runway exit. This is a BIG problem for me.


2) X-PLANE NAV DATA is using 1208. I have that. I made a mistake. But NAVIGRAPH (CRJ data) is using 1212 now. I have just changed this in my signature. Thanks for the catch! :D

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