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APPR Mode and pitch


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Maybe this is a stupid question, but when performing an ILS approach with the autopilot on APPR mode, I believe the AP is controlling the pitch of the aircraft using the trim (i can see the trim continuously adjusting by the autopilot). When I am about 1-200 feet above the runway, I disengage the AP, but then the trim is not set to allow me to glide to the runway with the yoke centered - the AP set the trim pitch down, which means when i cut the throttle to slow down I had to pull the yokes all the way back to stay in the air and also I stalled when I was well above the stall speed of the aircraft for the flap setting. My only theory is that on final approach, i must reduce the throttle to slow the aircraft to about 10 knots above the stall speed so that the AP won't set the pitch so far down, is that correct? Thanks!

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Mmmm Well.. once I release the autopilot that usually I don't do it because automatically it will be disengaged, I just pull the jokes and retard the throttles.. Normally I don't have any problem.. but if you have and you need to pull too much the yokes.. always try to make a fast trim with your joystick mapping the trim in some buttons of the joystick.

But I have landed several times and never had big problems.

The aircraft if configured always to put nose down while aproximation and not have possitive angle of attack because it has not slats. Well I usually see them in Barajas like going to impact with the ground and suddently they pitch up to just land.

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There are some landing technics of the CRJ, depending on the final approach speed. On windy weather, for example, approach speed is rather big and a pitch on touch down is rather small. Touch down pitch highly depends on the final approach speed: low speed - > high pitch. Sometimes even stickshaker is activated when the pilot tries to make a smooth landing on small speeds.

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Sometimes even stickshaker is activated when the pilot tries to make a smooth landing on small speeds.

Wow, I like that :) If X-Plane only would have cross-platform force-feedback support, we could make a stick-shaker for those with FF-capable joysticks.


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