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World Editor Problem


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Hi All.

I'm currently trying to use WED (the latest version) to update and modify some of my scenery's. I can import the scenery apt.dat perfectly, but when I try to import a .dsf from my scenery's, WED gives an error, attached in a screenshot. Please note that there is also a dsf.bak file in the earth nav data folder, that when I try to import that one, nothing happens, WED just loads for an extremely long time, causing me to have to quit. What to I have to do to successfully import the dsf file?

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Mateus


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1. Did you create a "New" project in WED in a different directory, or did you create it in the same directory as the custom scenery you're trying to edit?

If you made a "new" directory for your project (i.e. /Custom Scenery/my_project):

22. Have you copyed over the entire directory structure from wherever the other .DSF was located? (i.e. any directories like 'objects/' or 'custom_stuff_for_this_scenery/"?) from the "Custom Scenery/original_scenery" into your working directory (Custom Scenery/my_project)?

WED will load the other guy's DSF, but that DSF references objects and textures which are located "relative" to the other guys' working directory.

In orer to sucessfully import, you will need to ensure that the DSF can find the objects it's reffering to.

The only oblects you do not need to copy, are ones which are in the XPlane default Library (lib/airport in the hierarchy) , or OpensceneryX (assuming you have that installed in your main /Custom Scenery/ directory, which your current project is inheriting)

- CK.

Edited by chris k
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1. Loaded WED1.1b4

2. Changed WED to point to my XP9 Scenery (thats where I have my XP9 KBOS "Summery" Scenery Installed)

3. Selected "open scenery package" (turns out you guys left your original 'earth.wed' file in there from when you were making your original corrections for release... so it already had the layouts ready to go).

4. Loaded in 1 second (All the aiport layout info was there from the previous earth.wed).

5a. Selected "File> import DSF", and imported KBOS Summer/Earh nav data/+40-080/+42-071.dsf

5b. Selected "File> import DSF", and imported KBOS Summer/Earh nav data/+40-080/+42-072.dsf

6. Waited about 5 second, and voila:


All there. Objects, taxiways, overlays, exclusion zones, orthophots, etc.

Dunno where you're going wrong.? Want me to try it as a New Project into XP10?

- CK.

Edited by chris k
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Just tried in in XP10 - by copying the KBOS directory into XP10/Costom Scenery/

Created a completely new project in that directory. (Deleted your old earth.wed, just so I am indeed 'starting from scratch')

Imported the KBOS apt.dat

Imported the two KBOS .DSFs

Once again - it all loaded and worked fine. Can see all the runways/taxways/objects/layers/draped polys/etc...

Interesting how they did their scenery mind you... 1 large object comprises about 400 cars in the parking lot =)

- CK.

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The .bak file is just a "backup" file.. i.e. the previous version, since you did an "Export Scenery Pack" full export.

I think if WED saves via an "export scenery pack" it taks whatever apt.dat and xxx-xxx.dsf files it already finds and makes them "xxx-xxx.bak" etc..).. so you can always rollback your changes.

Sorry youre having trouble with WED1.1b4 in WIndows. I'm usng it under MacOSX 10.6.8 and it works flawlesly.

How did you guys edit it before using WED? The README.TXT file says that you loaded the whole thing into WED to fix up some poorly converted objects.

- CK.

Edited by chris k
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