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XP 9.7 crash problems


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Posted this in the General help section, think it needs to be here.

Original post:

Hey guys, until they sort out XPX I have gone back to XP 9.7. I'm having issues with it crashing every single flight (sometimes within 5 mins, other times .5 hrs). I really don't want to bother them with a 9.7 problem. Can someone look at my crash_log and log text and see if anything jumps out at them, something they may have dealt with before. I looked up a few things I saw in the logs, but I couldn't find any definitive fix / answer. Thanks for having a look.




Edit: One thing for sure, it's only when using the CRJ-200. Everytime it crashes, that's the aircraft I'm using. I removed all plugins, flew the Cirrus from CYXU - CYOW, no problems, re-installed the CRJ-200, same flight and it crashed. The crash log always refrences QtCore4.dll, here's the latest crash log.

Unhandled exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (C0000005)

Flags=0, Address = 0x68cd2d1f

0) 0x68cd2d1f (QtCore4.dll + 142623)

1) 0x68697e6c (win.xpl + 97900)

2) 0x6869a114 (win.xpl + 106772)

3) 0x68cd1c51 (QtCore4.dll + 138321)

Unhandled exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (C0000005)

Flags=0, Address = 0x69392d1f

0) 0x69392d1f (QtCore4.dll + 142623)

1) 0x078e7e6c (win.xpl + 97900)

2) 0x078ea114 (win.xpl + 106772)

Unhandled exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (C0000005)

Flags=0, Address = 0x20a72d1f

0) 0x20a72d1f (QtCore4.dll + 142623)

1) 0x20227e6c (win.xpl + 97900)

2) 0x2022a114 (win.xpl + 106772)

3) 0x20a71c51 (QtCore4.dll + 138321)

Unhandled exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (C0000005)

Flags=0, Address = 0x69854cae

0) 0x69854cae (win.xpl + 85166)

1) 0x69857e6c (win.xpl + 97900)

2) 0x6985a114 (win.xpl + 106772)

Maybe someone could move this to their support area?

I moved it.


Edited by Muskoka
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The crash log unfortunately reveals next to nothing. But the fact you are saying the crash is not related to a certain action (i.e. I press this button, then it crashes), but to a certain timeframe into the flight, might point at an out-of-memory condition. It is not unlikely that the CRJ is a contributing factor to this - the textures we are using have an extremely high resolution, combine this with some add-on scenery, and you might be hitting the two or three gigabyte barrier of your Windows OS (depending on whether you used the /increaseuserva switch).

For general information on memory problems, not only related to X-Plane 10, but also 9, look here: http://developer.x-plane.com/2011/12/bad-alex-bad-the-road-map-for-memory/

Also, I saw in your logfile, you are using airport navigator. We had a lot of mentions from other customers recently that this plugin is causing some kind of conflict with our aircraft, see for example here:

I suggest you try both lowering your texture resolution by one notch, to see if you are facing an out-of-memory problem, and remove airport navigator to see if you are seeing a plugin conflict. Either one has to be the solution.


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Hi Philipp,

I'm using Win7 64bit with 8gb of ram and a 2gb video card, I'm not running out of memory. Vram usage last time I looked was around 800meg in the Rendering options. I did read about the Airport Navigator plugin, but there were reports that ver 1.1.3 wasn't an issue, so that's what I'm using.

I run the exact same set-up in XPX, (custon scenery and plugins) which is a lot more demanding than 9.7 and I don't have the problem there. I'll do some more testing, and hope they get XPX a little more polished so I can say goodbye to 9.7.


Edit: Here is the log.txt from todays crash, no Airport Navigator.


Edit2: Just tried another flight, only plugin was Gizmo, took all the Custon Scenery out, dropped Texture Res one notch, no crash. Wow, have to get vram usage under 450 meg for the sim not to crash, and I have a 2gb card, how much does the CRJ use?? I mean it looks great, but what are people doing with 1gb video cards. They would have to turn their rendering settings wayyyy down, oh well.

Thanks Philipp, don't know how to mark it as "Solved", but were done. :)

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I'm using the 12.1 Preview drivers from AMD. Seem to work fine everywhere else, doesn't mean they will with XPlane though. Are you running an Eyefinity set-up, I'm at 3840x1024? Could you post your Rendering settings when you have time?

One thing I find funny, I don't have the issue in XPX where you think the demand would be a lot greater. With basically the same Rendering settings in both, I get a solid 45-60 fps in XP 9.7 and generally the low 20's in XPX, but it doesn't crash. Last time I tried in XPX, it didn't crash, and I had all my addon scenery loaded, and a pile of plugins. I will try a flight again in XPX, to see if it crashes.


Edit: Just tried a flight in XPX and there was a problem. Xplane didn't crash, but the engines shut down and I got an over g warning, going 360 knots gs into a 20 knot headwind at about 16,000ft on climb out in good weather. XPX is still too buggy, or something is too buggy to test properly.

Edited by Muskoka
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