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I've tried to like the other sim

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Maybe I should be posting this in the Rants forum, and I don't want to start another debate/argument about X-Plane versus MSFS. I sim with 3 other guys who enjoy the multiplayer environment of MSFS. I tend to watch their Discord streams and fly the same routes in X-Plane 12. I get to share my streams too.  They have gotten pass the "which is better" debate and have developed respect for XP12 (I'd like to think that's because of me ;)). Nevertheless, these guys spend, IMO, as much time trouble shooting issues with addons as they do flying. OK - I admit I'm exaggerating but the point is they have a lot of issues... particularly when MS forces and update on the sim. I've seen a couple of times when at least one of them couldn't fly b/c MS's server was spassing.

I've tried to like MSFS. Really I have. Maybe I'm just an old dog who can't be taught a new trick. The first issue I encounter when in that sim is views. Using my hat switch to control my views had become ingrained. With the other sim, I seem to have to use my mouse by right-clicking and holding, ahhh. The few views I've set-up with the hat switch seem limited. Then there's configuring my peripherals for aircraft - not intuitive at all. Also, If I accidentally spawn in on a runway, I have back half way out of the sim and restart the flight from scratch. As for immersion - yes, the graphics are amazing - but in the distance I can see them populating and that's distracting. The aircraft has come a long way in terms of fidelity, but landing them is too easy. I don't think landings are even close to realistic.

On the other hand, there are some things, aside from the graphics, that I really like. I like that the other sim has more support for the Garmin avionics systems. It has the G3000 and G5000. I like that the Working Title Group has worked independently to add more capability to the G430, G530 and that the G1000 is upgraded to the NXI variant. Additionally, I like that the 3rd party GTN750s (there are 2 of them: a freeware version and a payware version), offers more capability than the $50 Reality XP GTN-750. I purchased the  Reality XP GTN750 3 or 4 years ago and have not seen any new features. I believe I paid ~$80 then. I'm honestly not sure about how I feel about the multiplayer environment om MSFS. It's OK to mess around in but for realistic flights - forget about it. My friends seem to love it. I don't quite get the appeal of a bunch of folks flying airliners, as a group, from place to place.  However, I do it with my friends anyway - albeit I usually fly a biz jet.

Anyhoo, I appreciate both sims. I am a little frustrated at the pace of progress in XP12. I don't believe LR is sitting on their laurels and just watching Goliath take over the sim market. I gotta believe that they intend to ensure XP will more that just 'be there', that they will fight tooth and nail to retain their position as the most realistic flight sim.

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I like it, VirtualGAaviator. IMO Developers are making money with MSFS and that is why they are being slow with xp12. I am all in with x-plane. No going back to microsoft. I will not waste my money on MSFS. I used FS9 for many years wasted a lot of money on add ons that did not work and wanted to file a lawsuit on some, but did not have the money to do so. But that is flight simulation, it is not cheap. In the 23 years I have been flight simming, I have spent close to a half million dollars on computers, simulators, add on, aircraft, and the big one, Internet speed($75 to $120 a month today).

The debate on which one is better will never end. Personally, I do not give a F!@# how good MSFS is. I am x-plane forever!

Yes the rant would of been better, only because i love to cuss, maybe to much. It's my right. Freedom.

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1 hour ago, Rick310 said:

I do not give a F!@# how good MSFS is. I am x-plane forever!

Ditto. Plus, I have a ton of $$$ invested in both XP11 & now, XP12.


1 hour ago, Rick310 said:

In the 23 years I have been flight simming, I have spent close to a half million dollars on computers, simulators, add on, aircraft, and the big one, Internet speed($75 to $120 a month today

Whoa! That's a lot. Hobbies can be really expensive, though. Still cheaper that real-world GA flying, IMO. And yes, I spend a ton for internet too. $1080 per year to be exact, barring any equipment purchases.

You know, there are a couple things I wish people would keep in mind, the resources behind each sim. Years ago, I opened a retail store to sell computers and all the trappings that go with them. I was able to pay my bills and take a vacation, occasionally. Then, along come CompUSA and my business plummeted (I had to pivot to cell phones - Cricket and Boost).  A few years later CompUSA went out of business. Point is, I know how hard it is to compete with entities that has deeper pockets. LR will be OK, no doubt, but imagine where XP would be if they had 1/4 of MSFS's resources. To be fair, they did get a little complacent after XP11 stabilized, IMO.

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Yeah maybe half mil is a little too much, 250k is a realistic number to say. As an Electrician, I made good money. 

10 to 15 years ago there was some developers I wanted to sue. But didn't do it, too much money and no telling weather I would have won or not. And In UK I would have had go over their and find a lawyer and fight in their courts. I do not like doing business with companies in the UK. NO consumer protection living in the US. And yes I have been ripped off by a company in the UK.


LR will be OK, no doubt, but imagine where XP would be if they had 1/4 of MSFS's resources.

I totally agree!


4 hours ago, VirtualGAaviator said:

Years ago, I opened a retail store

The retail business is tough. I never looked down that road. Always looked for a big company to work for and the US Federal Goverment did me good.

Overall, life is great, flight simuation is great with X-Plane 11, And best of all Retirment is the best thing I ever did in my life!! WOOOOOOO!!!

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On 5/16/2023 at 5:02 PM, Rick310 said:

As an Electrician, I made good money

Interesting... Today, I'm semi-retired, not receiving any governmental money, however. I run 3 businesses, all really small. My main source of income has been a home repair business - (I turn down more jobs than I take). I also take jobs as a professional photographer, and finally I run a website hosting company.  Anyway, when you said you wanted to sue developers, I thought you were talking about flight sim developers. Now I think you are referring to real estate developers. Am I right?

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