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The CRJ-200 and Pilot Edge CTD


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Oh exciting I get to write the first post!

Might be me but is anyone else having issue running the CRJ-200 and pilot edge. The previous CRJ version would handle it fine but now x-plane CTD's everytime i start with the CRJ and pilot edge in there.........

If anyone is having a similar issue please let me know.....I would love to know!


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Thanks, Phil. If you're not connected to PilotEdge, then the plugin really isn't doing a whole lot. It finds a bunch of datarefs during its initialization, but that's about it.

The fact that Xplane crashes at a random time after the sim starts, but PRIOR to connecting to the network is interesting, too.

It sounds like it's surviving the initialization of the sim and then dying at some random point after that. Given that the PE plugin isn't doing anything at run time (if you're not connected), the crash is likely happening in one of the CRJ plugins.

Are you able to get some kind of a crash log?

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