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Weird Graphics Bug...maybe a bug

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I was just flying on VATSIM, in a CRJ-200 (Not Javier's, I'm quite broke  :) :'( ), I was having serious graphics problems, similar to the fog inducing, however, it would also induce ground-textured fog, and I was still running at around 50 FPS.  I hit the exterior view, tried to take a screenshot, and boom!  Back to normal.  Is this a bug or just something funny, maybe a glitch of some sort?

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While I can't say what caused the appearance of the fog in the first place, it's true that making a screenshot causes the artificial fog to disappear - either completely of for some time. By artificial fog, I think of the one that is made by the sim itself, to reduce the visibility range, so that the fps are preserved on weaker hardware. Sometimes I end up with hundreds on unnecessary screenshots, being the byproducts of "fog clearing" when flying with marginal fps, caused by demanding too much from my computer :)

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