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Weight and Balance


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I've been trying to go through the weight and balance sheet provided with the aircraft and i'm getting stuck on the index calculations (step 5) I've done all my calculations in lbs so I'm taking the second number in the index variables tables and putting them into the appropriate section in section 5.  What's confusing me is I get a negative number due to the large DOI number in the second row of section 5.  Am I supposed to be calcluating the weight and adding the index on top of it for each section or just putting in the index into each block and adding it up?  I guess individual weights would make more sense but want to make sure I'm doing it right.

WAIT! are those index variations supposed to have decimals instead of commas so its one number not two???

Thanks all

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OK, I'm still a bit confused.  I see the loading from the back and some of the passenger limits changed but the calculations are still weird.  It actually makes it worse.  Maybe i'm explaining it wrong.

I'm in section 5 (Index Calculation) for each section (Pax A, Pax B, etc) I look up how many passengers I have in that section and find the corresponding index variation and put that in the box.  then add them up across as is indicated by the boxes.  For the second row in section 5 it has "DOI" first which is 36.84 then I add the Pax D, Bags, and Cargo index variations to that. This creates a pretty large number compared to the first row I added for Pax A, Pax B and Pax C.  So Total B is much larger than Total A.  When I take Total A and subrtract Total B it gives me a negative number for the LIZFW each time since Total B is always larger in my cases.

I have a feeling I'm putting the wrong numbers into the boxes for each Pax, cargo and bags boxes but don't know what I should be sticking in there.

Any help is GREATLY appreciated.  I've done many Weight and Balance sheets in my real flying life but this one is just awkward to me.

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yes.. no problem is negative.. You have to take the positive numbered as I said inside the tutorial (it is written)

The TotalB is always bigger because the DOI one.

About the question about two numbers... 19,6 is 19.6 (decimal part is 6)

BUT I must reply that still (I would like to make it in future) the plane doesn't have any Center of gravity programmed inside the CRJ so this numers are useless.. (well not totally useless but it won't be a problem input a few decimals up or down).

I leaved this sheet to let people know how is done in reality.. and also because I want in future to implement the variation of CG.

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