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Xplane 11


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I don't get locked per say from what i see

If you've added anything at all to 11 i'd remove and go flatout for a stock setup

Try somewhere out of the way, maybe a small grass strip, see what fps/cpu/gpu usage looks like

Using the nice nifty stock cessna would be a good choice, great on fps in 11

Then add in anything like x-enviro/smp etc and see what gives, i mean if fps take a nose dive

I've found obviously the stock 11 planes i've tried so far give good fps, the IXEG 737 does too and also the Epic 1000, my other pw planes obviously need to be updated etc for 11 (obviously) as the fps drop can be noticed at times

Trying to think which of my pw planes for xp10 gives me a somewhat drop in performance, i'm not sure if it's the SSG 747 (xp11 will have a v2 version) or the FF 767-300er (also due an xp11 update)

But i think out of my pw ones those can take a fps hit


Edited a slightly harsh wording about performance, needed to as only one plane so far as i know is out for xp11, so a bit harsh to mention a performance hit when actually they weren't coded for xp11 lol ...........



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