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About This File

SAS Commuter, later branded Scandinavian Commuter was a regional airline created by Scandinavian Airlines parent companies Det Norske Luftfartsselskap, Det Danske Luftfartsselskab and Aerotransport on December 1, 1988. It was merged with the new airlines Scandinavian Airlines Denmark, Scandinavian Airlines Sweden and SAS Braathens in 2004. Its head office was in Kastrup, Tårnby Municipality, Denmark

The airline operated under four brand names :

- Eurolink served the SAS' hub Copenhagen Airport on short-haul routes too small for jet operation.

- Norlink operated in Northern Norway on regional non-subsidy routes. The routes were transferred to Widerøe in 2003.

- Swelink operated regional routes in Sweden.

- Westlink took over the regional routes on the Norwegian West Coast in 2003, after SAS bought Braathens.

(source: Wikipedia)

This livery pack includes five different liveries (one for each brand + the standard SAS one), all based on the same model.


Even though SAS didn't operate the Saab 340A in the "commuter" colors (their Saab was painted in their regular colors), those liveries are based on the Fokker F50 and the Saab 2000 that were used for these routes.

Not 100% accurate, but hope you'll enjoy it !

What's New in Version 2.0


  • Updated the flags at the rear of the plane (thanks to BenQuick/kickremi)
  • Added the SAS regular paint

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