About This File
This is a normal_set for the excellent Cessna Corvalis TT-model (aka the Columbia 400).
Model made by JGX-Designs , available at X-Aviation.
Can be used in XP 9 and 10 !!
Some days ago I got the Corvalis as kinda birthday-present ( be assured ,it was strictly legal ) and I was very pleased having this bird in my X-Plane collection , I really love it.
Its very unlikely I`ll find my way in the extremely sophisticated instruments/panel of this plane.
Its not to blame the plane , nor its great manual.
Its just me , I am just a painter, I am not a pilot.
Being a painter , I was quiet disapponted to see this plane having about fourty excellent default-liveries.
Adding another nice one would be , bringing water to the oceans.
Nevertheless I could not withstand the temptation of adding something I was missing.
Some more gloss and adding normalmapping to the model enhanches its appearance in a great way.
Thats all I did.
How to install:
Just place the files from this upload in the Corvalis main Objects folder.
Please make a backup from the C400_2.obj file in the main Objects folder first.
Thanks to JGX-Desings for giving me permission to publish the edited OBJ file.
Please enjoy.
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