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  1. On the past few flights I have experienced that the autopilot disconnects on a seemingly random point in the flight. The autopilot disconnect comes with a disconnection of both yaw dampers and a subsequent continuous left/right turn nosedive. I have seen reports of similar behavior of the Challenger, however, it was on MacBooks. I am running Windows. Furthermore, this behavior has been seen across all updates. The disconnection of the autopilot often happens on what seems to be sudden turbulence / weather change. Both logs are attached. Log.txt CL650_Log.txt
  2. Divi Divi Air BN-2 Islander TorqueSim View File This is the livery for the airline Divi Divi Air. Registration: PJ-SEA Aircraft: TorqueSim BN-2 Islander Submitter Comet1333 Submitted 05/05/2020 Category General Aviation Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/torquesim-islander-p-177?osCsid=a294a818245e618c63d77dfdba801ed9 X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 11  
  3. Version 1.0.0


    This is the livery for the airline Divi Divi Air. Registration: PJ-SEA Aircraft: TorqueSim BN-2 Islander
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