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Everything posted by PrivateSimPilot

  1. I did a couple test flights earlier today in which AP worked fine, but to make sure the conditions were the same, I restarted the sim between them. And indeed, my AP disconnect on my yoke was set to servos_fdir_yawd_trim_off. On that flight I reported on to start this thread, I did start that leg without restarting the sim. I think your theory applies very well. I also noticed after the flight was over the white bar on the trim indicator was in the exact same position it was when I started and during the flight, which seemed suspicious. I'm about to set off again (that was an FSEconomy flight, and I was so puzzled that I restarted the sim after the flight without finishing the FSEconomy flight , so I have to do it again anyway). I'll try a few flights and post my results with AP disconnect bound to servos_fdir_yawd_off. This is a bug in the Islander? I've used this same binding for the past couple years and never saw that before. Awesome -- thank you very much!
  2. Thanks! Including my log.txt in case it's useful. The flight is still happening (I'm going to Far, Far, Away). Throttle does affect it; when I reduced throttle I found it consistently descending. I have the throttle now set so that it's as close to 0 VS as I can get it. I have Experimental Flight Model set right now, but the same thing happend with that turned off. Log.txt
  3. The -600 is the VS value that I screen captured for that second or two it’s visible. The armed altitude was 8500’. I thought about trim too, but the white bar is just slightly back (<1) of neutral.
  4. I have an issue that crops up maybe roughly half the time, where I set a target altitude in the autopilot, climb out in NAV mode with altitude armed and VS mode, and find the vertical speed less than I set, and gets lower as I go higher as if I was in some IAS mode. When it gets to the target altitude, it sort of levels off but keeps climbing at maybe 100-200fpm. In this example I set the target altitude to 8500', and it has way blown past that and keeps climbing, even though in this case I set VS mode to -600fpm. I thought maybe trim was maxed out for some reason, but at this time the trim was less then 1 back from neutral. On other legs, AP works exactly as I expect, no problem.
  5. ...or I could have just looked it up: https://developer.x-plane.com/2013/04/customizing-spill-lights-two-ways/ Thanks again!
  6. @airwar Do you know what those three numbers mean? The description I saw said it probably had something to do with color (RGB?) but they weren't sure.
  7. Whoa, I didn't know you could do that. So I looked into the "how" of it and got (possibly overdone): If others want to do this, I opened object/airplane_wing.obj and looked for LIGHT_PARAM and then any of them with airplane_landing_<something.>. Then the numbers on those lines with 0.725 0.896 1.000 I changed to 5.725 5.896 6.000 and now I can see! Not sure you have to do this change to all the variants of airplane_landing_<something> or not. Thanks for the hints @Ch.Cole and @airwar!
  8. Searching this forum I notice people are saying the landing lights light up the ground fine. I landed the Islander in pitch blackness for the first time last night and couldn't see anything with the landing lights on, but for a bit of the edge paint on the runway. Are the real Islander landing lights like this? I have my Visual Effects set to Maximum (HDR+SSAO). I did a comparison between the Islander and a plane with a similar size, the Carenado King Air 200 (or at least a similar place on my X-Plane aircraft selector) and took some pre-dawn screen shots. I use the MisterX6 texture library, which has somewhat darker runways than default. Unless real Islanders have very dim landing lights (enough that I had trouble figuring out where the taxiway exit was even with the blue taxi lights), would brightening their effect on the ground be called for?
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