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Everything posted by Es125

  1. Es125

    How to brake.

    Ubbi, I will try this ... thx.
  2. Hey, Is there a plugin or can somebody make a plugin to have a pop-up screen when you want to change the alt. or hdg ? ( like Aerobask has for the Pipestral and 550 ) Now you have to change this ont he AP unit, what makes it hard to keep the mouse or controller on the hg/alt nob and at the same time look at the already hard to read the PFD screen. I know there is the plugin from Sims Smith https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/40953-accurate-vital-displaylua/ But you don't see the correction in real time.
  3. Es125

    How to brake.

    Hi Jacoba, No need for rudder pedals, the Lua script https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/37662-differential-and-progressive-brakes-for-x-plane-11/ from above works perfect.
  4. Es125

    How to brake.

    Hi Dartofdoom, Ok thanks, i will try this tonight. Her is what i got from the X-Plane.org forum : I do not have the TBM 900. So I cannot test it now. But from my knowledge Saso (Totoritko, the main developer) has implemented the braking system as it is in the real plane. Which means you need to apply the toe brakes to enable the parking brake then. With a small knob below the pilot yoke. As it is typical in a Socata. Since the parking brake is only an extra valve which "hold" the pressure you applied through the toe brakes. But if this is true and there is no option in the plane to "simulate" an easy approach then you need to use pedals or a script, which simulates the toe brakes. I am using the latter approach since I have also no pedals. For this I have a FlyWithLua script (https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/37662-differential-and-progressive-brakes-for-x-plane-11/). With this script I can assign a key or button to a function, which applies a progressive pressure to both toe brakes. I cannot life without this script now
  5. Es125

    How to brake.

    New to the TBM, and following the tuturials, Releasing the park brakes is no problem ... but i can't apply brakes. I don't have rudder pedals,
  6. The answer we get regarding support for 11.20, is not the anwer we expect to hear, so i am also really disappointed. this attitude wil result in loosing a lot of customers.
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