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Everything posted by tcasdaddy

  1. Greeting all, Is anyone having an issue with the #1 fuel valve lever mouse movements. It will not move properly. Any help is appreciated. Thank you ! Tcasdaddy
  2. ALL Sorry for the trouble - I will try to adjust to the SAAB for XP11 Thanks tcasdaddy
  3. I do have XP11. I just don't like it as well as I do XP10, at least for the time being. Thanks for your thoughts all the same ! tcasdaddy
  4. Cameron - I DO have the SAAB v1.4.1 for XP10 installer backed up TWICE on my PC ALONG WITH ALL S/N's on over 35 payware aircraft. I am very diligent in respect to the PROTECTION of my payware, and all IS NOT working fine. It will not install any longer... Please try to understand my concerns ! Regards Paul
  5. FYI, Mr. mjrhealth - I DO have the SAAB v1.4.1 for XP10 installer backed up TWICE on my PC ALONG WITH ALL S/N's on over 35 payware aircraft. I am very diligent in respect to the PROTECTION of my payware. To further clarify the issue, when I attempt to run my BACKED UP installer for the SAAB XP10 v1.4.1, - (It's saying: "FILES are REMOVED from server for this version and are no longer available), and then it aborts the installation. Futhermore, I DID NOT receive any emails from X-Aviation about the discontinuation of support. So now I suppose I have lost my $50. I just don't understand how this can be justified. It's like I just paid rent on the darn thing for a year. Thank you all the same for your concerns ! tcasdaddy
  6. Cameron What if someone does not have or use XP11. Does this mean he has lost his original investment permanently. Some people cannot afford XP11 or, possibly cannot support XP11 on their machines. If I had of been notified of this ending support for the xp10 version, I certainly would have been more careful to protect my original copy. Now it's gone, along with the money I paid it. Respectfully, how do you justify this ? Thanks Paul
  7. Help ! Can anybody help with this problem. When I try to install Maxx FX, a message keeps popping up with an error. Please see the error message that I have attached. Thank you ! tcas
  8. Thanks very much, THAT DID IT......... YEEEESSSSSS ! Paul
  9. Hello Cameron, Thanks for your prompt input. Although, I'm not quite sure I understand, which installer - XP11 or X-Aviation IXEG 737 ? Thank you Paul Gantz
  10. Capn's Can anybody help me with this error that I am getting when I attempt installation of the IXEG 737 into the latest version of XP11. I have never had this issue before the last XP11 update. When I try to install, I get a file incompatibility error, and the installation completely fails, and does not create any aircraft files. Just the x-aviation folder is created. I have attached screenshot images of the errors that are displayed. System: Intel I7-8700k 3.7/4.7Ghz, 32Gb DDR4 Ram, GeForce GTX 1080ti, Win10 Pro. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thank you ! Cheers
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