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Elsaday Marçal

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Everything posted by Elsaday Marçal

  1. SBAF - Afonsos View File To install, simply extract the scenery folder into ... X-Plane 11 \ Custom Scenery folder. For the correct operation, make sure the scenery is above “Global Airports” in your “scenery_packs.ini” file. The library used was based on version 11.33 of the X-Plane. Enjoy Campo dos Afonsos is a neighborhood of the middle zone of the middle class of the city of Rio de Janeiro, belonging to the region of Realengo, where the Afonsos Air Base is located (BAAF / SBAF), base of the Brazilian Air Force established in the Garrison of Aeronautics dos Afonsos. Campo dos Afonsos is also known as the birthplace of Brazilian aviation because its history is confused with the history of aviation in Brazil. It was from 1941, with the creation of the FAB, which was officially designated as Afonsos Air Base. Source: Wikipedia. For more: https://sadayscenery.blogspot.com/ Submitter Elsaday Marçal Submitted 05/06/2019 Category DSF Scenery Packages X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 11  
  2. SBFL - Florianópolis View File New scenery for Florianópolis has a new terminal (1) and new parking. So far the reference images for scenery creation are not enough for better assertiveness and accuracy in locating objects and pavement, so getting new images will be updating. I didn't put the SAM jetways due to some issues, but as soon as I fix them I'll be updating. It is highly recommended to use Airport Environment HD for better arpon lighting and texture quality. If you have problems downloading, you can download here: SBFL - Florianópolis 1.0 | SadayScenery New charts here: NEW CHARTS SBFL For more sceneries: SadayScenery The library used in the XP10 scenery version is not mine, it's from XP11 to recognize the objects, facades, jetways, lines and ground signs. Submitter Elsaday Marçal Submitted 12/17/2019 Category DSF Scenery Packages X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 10 & 11  
  3. Version 1.1


    New scenery for Florianópolis has a new terminal (1) and new parking. So far the reference images for scenery creation are not enough for better assertiveness and accuracy in locating objects and pavement, so getting new images will be updating. I didn't put the SAM jetways due to some issues, but as soon as I fix them I'll be updating. It is highly recommended to use Airport Environment HD for better arpon lighting and texture quality. If you have problems downloading, you can download here: SBFL - Florianópolis 1.0 | SadayScenery New charts here: NEW CHARTS SBFL For more sceneries: SadayScenery The library used in the XP10 scenery version is not mine, it's from XP11 to recognize the objects, facades, jetways, lines and ground signs.
  4. Hi, I uploaded a scenery file but so far it has not been approved. How does this approval work? What do I need to get approved?
  5. Version 1.0.0


    To install, simply extract the scenery folder into ... X-Plane 11 \ Custom Scenery folder. For the correct operation, make sure the scenery is above “Global Airports” in your “scenery_packs.ini” file. The library used was based on version 11.33 of the X-Plane. Enjoy Campo dos Afonsos is a neighborhood of the middle zone of the middle class of the city of Rio de Janeiro, belonging to the region of Realengo, where the Afonsos Air Base is located (BAAF / SBAF), base of the Brazilian Air Force established in the Garrison of Aeronautics dos Afonsos. Campo dos Afonsos is also known as the birthplace of Brazilian aviation because its history is confused with the history of aviation in Brazil. It was from 1941, with the creation of the FAB, which was officially designated as Afonsos Air Base. Source: Wikipedia. For more: https://sadayscenery.blogspot.com/
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