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Posts posted by hobofat

  1. I will immediately inform my technical pilot that each and every 737-300 and -500 I fly has all the switches reversed!  How could that have happened? Maybe someone at our maintenance department held the plans upside down? Or maybe Boeing just sold us a bad batch at a cheaper price?


    Hi Jan,

    Would love to hear more detail on this.  Looking at 737-300 cockpit photos online on pneumatics panel I see OFF in the UP position, and ON in the DOWN position.  For example, here: http://www.b737.org.uk/images/paneloverhead.jpg

    It's a little hard to see through the sarcasm, but I think that you are saying that this not the case in *all* 737-300 and -500 planes?  Particularly the ones that you fly?

    Would love to hear more!

    Kind Regards.

  2. Please, all who have grievances, speak now or forever hold your peace.

    I for one seem to have trouble using the contact us support from at X-A.  Resorted to e-mail.  Those got lost in transit (nothing sent to spam box).  Time from first filing to finally activating MU-2: March 22 to April 2nd.

    There could be any number of reasons for this, I'm not sure what happened.  Cameron was professional in his responses.  My MU-2 was activated.  I'm a satisfied customer.

    But I do feel a certain bit of sympathy when people post saying their requests for support via the X-A contact us forms were not answered.  And then everybody says, "No, X-A customer service is the best.  This is not possible."  It just might actually be that they in fact did use the appropriate contact form.  Hostile responses escalate the situation.

    Grievance aired.  World still turns.  Where did I put my big boy pants again?

  3. As each takes roughly 40 hours or so to pull together ...

    One thing I've always liked about a lot of AVSIM reviews is that they clearly state the amount of time the reviewer has spent flying the aircraft.  I've seen 20 and 40+ hours spent flying before a review is written.  I know that the reviewer has taken the time to get the full experience, and the review (for me at least) has a lot more weight to it.

    Also, clearly stated hardware/system specs from the reviewer is a welcome bit of information I've always appreciated from AVSIM reviews.

    Looking forward to your next batch of reviews, nice to see them for X-Plane!

  4. The concorde is one of the greatest planes of all time and gary hunters plane wasnt hard core enough for me i thinks these guys should do it. Whos With Me!

    I think you might need some more more words than "these guys" to help us know who exactly you are talking about ...

  5. Still sound scrambled/CTD with EADT's GPS utilizing SASL.  Same testing method as before.  GPS works fine without gizmo installed, sound goes crazy with eventual crash with gizmo installed.

    Thanks, Mac or Windows?

    Windows.  Sorry for the slow reply, was gone away on a trip.

    • Modified OpenAL code, hopefully resolves plugin clash. Not tested, but the code change was "OpenAL context sharing" related.

    Thanks for the update Ben.  Not sure if this is the same plugin clash you are referring to here, but if so I'll report that I still get sound scramble coupled with X-Plane crash when using EADTs KLN-90B GPS (uses SASL) with 11.5.12 installed.  Testing process: run GPS without gizmo installed, no crash.  Install gizmo, run GPS, crash.

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