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Posts posted by hobofat

  1. Is anybody running the CRJ with this graphics card? I want to know if the CRJ even supports it because I'm probably going to buy an iMac equipped with one of those.

    I'm running it with an ATI Radeon HD 5650M and it works.  Can't say I get fantastic frames, but it definitely runs.  Sitting on the ground in fair weather with default scenery and avionics turned on I'm hitting 19-28 fps depending on location.

  2. Anyway, the 733 is a very complex piece of machinery. It might be old and lacks the computer flight-law logic of modern Airbus designs (thank god  :) ), but even just understanding the electric system fully WILL get your head smoking plenty.

    The 737 is the gold standard of flight simulation.  I don't think you can find a single individual who hasn't flown on this glorious bird.  I remember as a small child my two favorite books were on how they built the 747 and the 737.  You've got the whole flight sim community awaiting your rendition of this beauty, give it your best!

  3. Hi, Rich,

    With X-Plane being as cheap as $29, I think it would actually be a good choice to get it and get acquainted to the keystrokes. It's a much different paradigm than MSFS, but a GREAT one!

    And don't forget to take some time to get used to it.  When I crossed over from MSFS, I did not like X-Plane 9 at first as it was just ... different.  But I told myself I'd give it a fair shot.  Now I love it.

    Jan, thanks for the update on the 737!  It sounds like it will be a complex simulation when finished.

  4. Or ... People could just chill out and do something else with the crazy hours of freetime it looks like everyone has?  It really just seems to me that when a project is announced people start feeling that they are somehow entitled to its imminent release.  If we all start from the point that nobody owes us anything ... ever ... (side note: they don't) then I think we'll all be better off in the long run.

  5. Yes, more or less the time I expected when announced the RC1. Hope this week is released.

    Read my post in the general discussion forums... lets try to avoid claims that are not absolutely certain.

    Hence his use of the word "hope" prefacing his desire/sentiment for a release this week, but hardly a claim.  Appropriate given the fact that remaining issues surrounding release are in the hands of others.

  6. It's amazing, very cool GPS!

    Only downside is that it uses SASL and crashes my sim when I have gizmo installed.  This I logically tested  :) by removing gizmo and having it work flawlessly every time then re-testing with gizmo installed and having it crash every time.  But, a nice piece of kit nonetheless!

  7. This is incredible.  I've yet to try it in the sim as I'm reading through the documentation right now, but what a resource!  Updates with navigraph nav data (of course you must subscribe to navigraph for this function), is chock full of features, and assumes same functionality as the real unit except where explicitly stated in the manual (which is not that much stuff).  And it appears that our very own Theo and Javier had a hand in its creation as well.  Good jobs guys.

    Check this one out!

  8. I really wanna get that app, but i will wait till i have an ipad, which is one of the last things on my list.

    Thank you so much for showing us though man. i had no idea something like that was available.

    Also works for iphone and ipod touch if you have one of those.  Though I find the refresh on the displays to be quite slow on my 3rd gen itouch, to the point that I mostly use the app for the autopilot/fms function only.

  9. Just to put this out there, my first payware purchase ever was the Flight1 ATR 72-500. Fond memories back then. Was a long time ago now. like 4 years i think.

    Looking forward to fly it again, but this time in X-Plane.

    One of my first payware purchases as well, and probably my best flight sim experience.  Looking forward to an X-Plane version!

  10. If only I studied this much in High School.

    I would have finished in the top 2%.


    Top 2% here, but only because I never knew what I really wanted to do, so I just did everything.  Now all my slacker friends have figured out their passions and are doing amazing things in the working world, 'ole top 2% here still works crappy low-wage jobs because I still have no clue.

    So there you have it folks, what you teach yourself is worth infinitely more than what you are taught in school!

  11. Granados, in the order confirmation I would expect to find a ticket to Spain from an airport of my choice (depending on your country and location) for a full weekend training at Javiers place. :)

    Seriously though: I have no idea. ;)

    Hrm, I'm actually headed to Spain at the end of May for a wedding.  About that in-house training  ;D

  12. Needless to say all future upgrades will be free for existing users.

    I can definitely appreciate that kind of attitude!

    Regarding the review itself, my overall impression as a regular reader of XPlane10's Blog reviews is that it was decidedly negative compared to past reviews.  Sure there are platitudes, but they are by and large framed on all sides by negatives.  Almost like an aside.  I'm just wondering if maybe an "non-editorialized" first impression might better be made during waking hours and not on the heels of the issue regarding whether or not a review would even be made.

    Just my two yen opinion, that is all.  I personally would expect more regarding an FMS based on the price point, but it sure is some nice eye candy!

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