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Posts posted by arno54

  1. Unfortunaltely for you, then I can answer straight on : no you can't.

    The only solution would be to get the plane, erase the plugin, and re-encode the way you want it to be through SASL, thus keeping only the ACF and part of the 3D, but giving up all the rest, systems, failures, sounds, instructor...

    There is no way a programmer will tell you by advance your scripts, not done, will comply with preexisting ones, even though I'd be certain SASL and Gizmo could run side by side (which is not the case as far as I know)

    So, as far as I am concerned, this request is pointless - sorry to have to say so, but simply this bird might not be for you.

  2. I say that

    -you need Gizmo to use the Trojan

    -You need SASL for planes that uses it

    and I say too,

    -Eventually you can use only plane at once, so this doesn't make an issue.

    In the worst case, it looks like you have to remove the plugin you don't need before you use the plane.

    But, as I told (here I'm repeating myself) I have to investigate to make sure things are as simple as I describe them now (which I'm pretty sure of - but not 100%)

    I'd like to be more affirmative or to give you a straight procedure to follow, but I'm not quite used in stating things I'm not definitely certain of. In this case, I'm pretty sure there would be a simple workaround - such has having two plugins folder to enable/disable a set of plugins through simple renamming - but I have to make sure before I state "that's the way it is".

  3. Yes, it's gizmo-enhanced.

    As far as I know, SASL isn't compatible with Gizmo. (to be studied - I will developp more precisely when I know)

    As far as I know, there is always the possibility to disable a plugin when an other is needed.

    As far as I know, there can be no situation where you need to have both enabled.

    So, to me, this does not really sound like an issue, rather like a technical detail that has to be enlighted once and for all :-)

    Edit : I edited your original post so as to give it a title that is much more understandable for othe readers. I'm sure you'll understand :-)

  4. Try with the map.

    Locate the boat, click drag the plane over it, make sure the heading of the plane is ( = heading of the boat - 8°) set 74ft .

    Should do the trick.

    If it is ok, save situation (but this is often tricky and may not work when restarting the game).

    I'm working on a way to fix this against xplane's core, but it's not really ready now.

  5. Well I've been informed that there is a kind of artificial horizon that behaves the way you described !

    It's a "russian" convention vs "Western" convention (which is obviously the only one I know of).

    See here for a very good one-image-describes-it-all (Thanks Cameron for that excellent link).


    So, anyway : the trojan uses the western convention (quite obvious for a US bird!) just please note it has no "little aeroplane" on it. It's simply the horizon line that is drawn onto it. The little triangle points upward (useful to know where is the up-way when in a strange in-flight attitude!)

    Hope this helps ;-)

  6. @Zach Decou

    I'm not very keen on speaking of what "under the hood", for 2 main reasons.

    First, let's take an analogy : you go and see a magician. You KNOW there is "a trick". Well, probably the enjoyment of the performance would probably be spoiled if you knew the trick ? I mean, wondering about "how the hell does this work" is part of the fun.

    Second, because the way it works is part of the value of the bird. There's no secret technology making the FBI and the KGB go mad for grabbing, but nonetheless, under the hood stands my work. So it would really be stupid of me (not marketing-wise) to debate here about "how this works"

    Nonetheless, what I can honestly tell is that there is hardly no xplane failures used. This means that it's definitely POSSIBLE (likely?) I screwed something, somewhere.

    There is only 2 possibilities : either it's about the engine as you supposed, either it's about aerodynamics. The second sounds more likely considering... well, lot of tech.stuff.

    Now, as I cannot redo the weird stuff, I'm re-reading the whole code for these two aspects, trying to find WHERE a logic is flawed. That's painstaking. 

    But I definitely want you to know that I don't deny an error is possible, and that I'm working hard on it ;-)

  7. Well... no, actually this is intended to replace the horizon (outside) when you can't see outside. This way, you always have a direct perception of your position relative to space .

    If you have any doubts about the use of these, I guess I have (somewhere...! I should search), some pdf file, kinda "IFR for dummies". Can't remind of the exact title, I have to search my drives for that.

    Well, the Trojan is not actually IFR-rated, but it carries a 2way ILS, and some fuzzy old-style nav device (NDB by relative bearing for instance, or 3way RMI).

    If you are not quite at ease with those, I'll try and find you the docs. Being able to find the boat in the middle of the sea, and coming straight onto the deck with 100ft visibility, by night, in the mist, is for sure some interesting experience that this bird allows!  :)

  8. @x-beech

    Ok, as far as I can see this thread is now useless and solved. I'm gonna lock it now, don't hesitate to open a new one if it ever comes to be needed.

    FYI, the bundle you are waiting for SHOULD be available 12 hours from now on.

    I do hope we'll have you among our "happy" customers and that you'll have much fun with it.


  9. After testing, if generator is up and running, inverter up and running, ext up and running, engine running, battery do not empties. The only way to empty the battery is to run starter with mixture off -  then battery fails after around 2 minutes of intensive use.

    As far as I can see, there is no problem, so, unless you have a precise procedure to give me so that I can reproduce the problem, i'm going to close this request to "solved"...

  10. Ah okay.

    Well, you are enlighting 2 interesting points actually.

    1) No, that's no bug nor flaw no error. This is intended this way.

    2) No, that's not like the real thing. For a very simple reason : the whole navigation console (that is, all that on the right, from the autopilot to the avionics button), is fictionnal. It lloks like a real thing, works like a real thing, could have been a real thing ! but it is not. That is the part of the plane, where it was decided to let our creativity express, so as to have the more fun from the bird.

    As for the font, well, that's just a choice. You have to be aware that even these fonts are pure 3D objects, in order to have the very best fps result with perfectly readable digits whatever the configuration of the game. Lots, lots of work (hundreds of animations only to display digits), but worth it. In the other hand, I WILL not re-do it just to change the font, I would just go mad and hang myself :-)

    I'm affraid that's just a cosmetical issue, one like it or not...  And I perfectly understand that's not how you'd prefer it.

    Sincerely (I hate to say that  :-[ ) "that's just the way it is..." (sounds nasty - it isn't)

  11. @x-beech

    Nice to hear. Note Khamsin and I do not pretend the bird is perfect - it is not - but take for granted we'll do all that is humanly possible to have it as enjoyable as possible. In your case, I have strong hopes that the "bundle" will be there in the coming hours. Cameroooooooo ! Help me on that one ! (<-- see, I just don't let him have the littliest rest. He's gonna hate me, but who cares? as long as my customers are happy. )


    First of all, PLEASE, for politeness reasons, please write in english. Writing in a language that's quite confidential on a public forum is quite impolite. Here, English is in use ;-) Or use private messages. Thanks for all who will try and read you and me ;-)


    that's definitely  possible. Even, it should have been the case for the trojan, and will very likely be as for is update. I won't enter technical details, but the idea was stupidly given up very lately. My bad.

  12. Hello and mmmmmmmm...  ??? ???

    for the first part, I guess you simply cut mixture instead of rpm - lowering rpm can't stop the engine. Honestly, I wouldn't pay much attention to this, except if you are absolutely, definitely, 100% certain you cannot have mishandled something. It's possible too, that the engine failed for an other reason than your manipulation. Did you notice any symptom for the engine to stop, noise, smoke, warning, text message, oil projection on the screen... ?

    The second part is much more disturbing. Let's take it step by step, because like you describe it it sounds a real bug.

    So, first of all, can you repeat the phenomenon and if so, can you tell in what exact circumstances it happens? First, I have to be able to re-do it before I can understand WHY such a weirdness can occur.

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