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Posts posted by JGregory

  1. 3 hours ago, SupraJari said:

    That is intresting. I'm flying very mixed loads at FSE (PAX, mixed PAX and cargo and cargo only) and have never thought moving CG. Most planes I've flown (MD-80, 757) have had CG calculator with load manager software etc. Now is this something you would normally consider with Saab? The problem is that there is no load manager nor load sheet so we don't know where they sit and how much luggage they have.

    This may be what you want...  


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  2. 3 hours ago, Cam said:


    I am still having problems with my Honeycomb flap lever and getting the sim lever into the gates so that the flaps move. I am using a set of gates that fit onto the Honeycomb quadrant and they worked fine with V1.5.x, but the changes are causing me problems.

    Moving my lever from flap 0 to flap 5 and subsequent down settings works fine if I do it carefully, but moving from flap-down 35 to flap-up selections doesn't work properly unless I overshoot the next selection and then bring it back to the selection I wanted.

    I remember in another thread you mentioned that you had increased the tolerances on the gates and that appears to have helped with the flap-down selections. Is it possible to adjust the gate tolerances again to help with this?


    First, the Saab does not have a "flaps 5" setting.   There should be absolutely NO difference between increasing or decreasing the flap setting, the gates are the same.  We are limited in the tolerances of the gates so we won't be increasing them any further.  This may be related to your hardware, maybe another user with the same setup can help out.

  3. 2 hours ago, sirtopper said:

    I agree it is difficult to see and I haven't noticed it before. It does look like the wall is highly reflective.

    The airport is EGNX by ORBX and I am using Vulcan on the latest 11.53.

    If you want to do a test, try it it OpenGL and let us know.

  4. 1 hour ago, Cam said:

    Hi JGregory,

    I reported what appears to be a bug with the pitch trim (AP engaged) in both the last version and the latest version but have not seen any feedback from you guys (MJRHealth confirmed it). 

    Have you been able to replicate it yet and, if so, will it be rectified in a V1.x.x update. 


    I have not seen this happen in the test flights I have done.  You and MJRhealth are the only ones reporting this as an issue.  At this time I don't know if there is a problem with the Saab or a problem on your end.  I will continue to test and see what I can find, if anything.

  5. 11 minutes ago, RainerBerlin said:

     I have had some more time... and have set the following:

    - XP 11 > Menue Joystick > Active profile (XP11) > Suitable profile assigned > Saab 340

    - My TWCS Throttle > Red button on the right side assigned > Right & Left Power Lever Flight Idle Latch

    - Saab User Preferences > Use PL Auto-Latch

    - After touch down > Push the red button > the REV works. :D

    Thanks for the support

    Glad it worked out for you !!!

  6. 18 minutes ago, sirtopper said:

    There is a wall in the distance that seems to be highly reflective and reacting to the taxi light. Have attached a recording to hopefully show I'm not seeing things.


    It's a little difficult for me to gauge how far that wall is but my guess is that what you are seeing is more than likely some kind of issue in X-Plane, not the Saab.  Or, it may be a scenery issue.  

    Does the same thing happen with the Landing Lights?

    Is that a custom airpor /scenery?

    Are you using Vulkan/Metal or OpenGL ?

  7. 1 hour ago, mjrhealth said:

    Not in that shot no. But as i said i did raise it in previous post because it barely lights the ground but when you aproach buildings they get all lit up. I asked to have it tilted down a liitle but response was a larger beamwidth preffered

    The taxi light and landing light were adjusted to be brighter in 1.6.2.  I will make another slight adjustment to the taxi light brightness for the next update.  However, we will not be able to adjust tilt until v2.0.

  8. 1 hour ago, Suprex said:

    I think so too Gregory. I repeat: I disengage the PL latches manually, the power levers are free, the REV works very good. This on the ground and on landing.

    My problems start when i select, from "Saab User Preferences", Use PL Auto-Latch. After starting the engines the flag (Use PL Auto-Latch) disappears.

    By selecting it again the Power Levers Auto-Latch disengages not works.

    The system works great in flight. In fact if I mistakenly disengage the PL latch manually, it is still impossible to cross the red line in TQ.

    I hope I have not written badly, sorry, my english is not correct.

    Are you using Auto-Start ??

  9. 6 hours ago, Suprex said:

    can you explain better how it works automatically?


    1 hour ago, RainerBerlin said:

    Couldn't the function be explained once in a Youtube tutorial?

    There is nothing complicated with this.

    The flight idle stop is depicted as the red line in the TQ Viewer.  The Flight Idle Stop is not something you can control, it is automated based on several parameters.  

    The latches allow you to move below Flight Idle (when on the ground) and can be controlled either manually or automatically as follows .....

    If you select the option for "Use PL Auto-Latch" in the User Preferences then the latches are engaged automatically when the Flight Idle Stop is released and you do not need to engage the latches manually at all, EVER.

    If the  "Use PL Auto-Latch" is not selected then you will need to engage the latches yourself manually.  However, you will NOT be able to move the Power Levers below Flight Idle until the Flight Idle Stop is released (red line is NOT displayed). 

    In ALL cases your hardware levers MUST be in sync with the cockpit Power Lever manipulators.  This can be observed using the TQ viewer.

  10. 5 hours ago, mjrhealth said:

    I think I raised this before, the taxi light lights up buildings well but not the taxiway, was mentioned to increase beam width some what to help instead of angling down.

    There is no way the taxi light was lighting up buildings that are as far away as the OP shows in that screenshot. And if it were angled down too far it certainly wouldn't light up anything in the distance.

  11. Whatever is going on with the lighting in the distance has nothing to do with the taxi light. 

    Please take a picture from outside the aircraft, at nigh, with the taxi light on, pointing at the area in front of the aircraft, and post it here. 

  12. 24 minutes ago, Jimbo41 said:

    The only thing in that log that might be an issue is this plugin ....'X-ATC-Chatter"

    You might try removing that from the plugins folder and see if that changes anything.  Other than that I don't have any suggestions.  Obviously sound volume is somewhat subjective so I'm not sure there is a problem here. Make sure all the Saab sound sliders are to the right to do a fair test.

  13. 12 minutes ago, Pedro Sousa said:

    I`ve just updated my SAAB 340A to version 1.6.4. A couple of minutes after starting the simulator with the aircraft on ramp X-P11 crashes.

    Please explain what "crashes" means..... did the sim crash to desktop, or did the sim "hang", or something else?

    What airport were you loading at?  

    Try moving to another airport that is much further away and see what happens.


    You are also running a LOT of plugins, which could also be causing an issue.  If you want to test this then remove all the plugins from your plugins folder except for Gizmo.  Then relaunch the sim and load the Saab and see what happens.  If the sim does not crash then one of those plugins is causing a problem.  Put the plugins back in the plugins folder one at a time and then relaunch the sim and load the Saab.  Keep doing that until you get the crash and that will tell you the problem plugin.

  14. 14 minutes ago, Jimbo41 said:

    The only nit I now have to pick is the external sound seems subdued, and I have both the a/c external sound and x-plane sound maxed.  Internally it sounds great. 

    We have had no reports of issues with the external sound.  And, on my system, the external sounds are what I would expect.  The external sounds should be considerably louder than the internal sounds.

    Do you possibly have another plugin that is interfering with this?   

    If you want you can post your log.txt file here and I will look at it.

  15. The Saab basically overrides all engine inputs, so for all intents and purposes it is a custom engine model.  But we are limited in how much control we have over the output.  I don't think we will be writing our own engine model... that would present far too many compatibility issues in the future. 

  16. 12 minutes ago, birdy.dma said:

    Hi JGregory. 

    So, probably the end of shared cockpit.

    I don't use or even own that software so I can't really comment.  However, in Saab v1.6.x all manipulators (except for some levers) are non-writeable. And all of them have associated commands, which is the right way to interact with the cockpit.  So, if shared cockpit is working now then you should be fine.  

  17. Nick is right... Austin models turboprop behavior based mostly on a PT-6 because that is what he flies.  We have overridden a LOT of the engine behavior but it's a balancing act.  If we adjust the fuel flow to "fix" the ITT swings then the engines will respond too slowly.  I think we have found a good balance for now.

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  18. As of v1.6.x many datarefs are now non-writeable.  When v2.0 is released all datarefs will be non-writeable.  

    I will make a note to look into creating a command for the GPU (available) but I can't promise what version of the Saab this will be included in.

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