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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2021 in all areas

  1. Just did a flight from Sioux Falls to Minneapolis. Everything needed to complete the flight is now in place with 1.6.1. The little touch up stuff like brake, or LOC vs VOR, will be nice, but honestly not that important to me. Autopilot worked great, PL's are good, CL's are good, CTOT works nicely. The ground handling with the new power controls is a joy to taxi.
    4 points
  2. Hallo Litjan, I’ve just found some performance charts I’ve used when I flew with the ( real..) I-AIGR with air italy ( Antalya and Almeria...)...Same goes for the real QRH ( always the ones specific to the “GR”..). Take care Claudio LEI_737-300_22K.pdf AYT-737-300_22K.pdf AYT-737-300_22K.pdf
    1 point
  3. This script creates two commands. "FlyWithLua/SF34/CTOT_toggle", "Toggle both CTOT switches" and "FlyWithLua/SF34/CTOT_winddown", "Wind down CTOT knob" the first one toggles the CTOT switches on and off, the second winds them down on a button press. wind down speed is set to 1% every 0.15 seconds, you can adjust that in line 23 Feedback appreciated. SF34 CTOT.lua
    1 point
  4. I have been playing around with some settings and it appears that Vulkan may have been the problem. I turned it off and flew for about 15 minutes in heavy clouds with no problems. I'll report back if anything changes. Udate: I just installed Skymaxx Pro 5.0. I turned Vulkan back on and got no flashing. Problem seems resolved.
    1 point
  5. Known issue, we are working on it
    1 point
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