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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/2021 in all areas

  1. Nice one, like I said it doesn't affect me as don't use it, but please be reassured that I wouldn't go to all this trouble if it wasn't such an AWESOME aircraft that's obviously been a labour of love (and frustration). Absolutely brilliant product and very, very happy with it overall.
    1 point
  2. Interesting. I'll file this under "weird issues with the SVS and specific GPU's".
    1 point
  3. LOL! In all honesty, this bird is just an absolute dream to fly (all the previous issues I had with the FMC are resolved with the recent update), and I just can't get enough of the Classic. Cheers, mate!
    1 point
  4. Hi, i've just made a new normal map for this object, that fixes the wrong face normal values without the need to changing the texture resolution in the graphic settings. Just put it into your aircrafts objects directory, and owerwrite the existing texture.
    1 point
  5. Well, Pedro, waddya know. Being a CGI man myself, I was sure it was a phong / softness thingy, but raising the texture quality to maximum fixed it. It's another kind of rendering, obviously, so I'll throw an egg on mi face. With Vulkan off, setting texture to max doesn't fix it, though. It only works with Vulkan. If I can't fly with textures on max, I'll complain again :-) On X-Plane 10 this doesn't happen (and I must confess I still like XP10 a lot). Ok, thanks guys for the replies. It's not a big deal, really.
    1 point
  6. Heresy! There is always a possibility, I throw this one onto the stack of ideas and suggestions . I have to check if X-Plane offers those lights natively. Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  7. Holds / VNAV are in our current sights. What kind of progress we make remains to be seen, but we are actively focusing on it now. -tkyler
    1 point
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