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SkyMAXX V4 New Screenshots


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5 hours ago, sundog said:


This "proof" is not convincing.
70 fps with antialiasing Off and Default F22 not seem "exceptional" value. It is the norm.
What will happen with AA 2x or 4x and complex payware aircraft?
70 fps again?

Edited by mb339
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It is not my intention to make a critical Skymaxx4, absolutely not!
However, I believe that before show the performance of Skymaxx4 must show the True performance in everyday use.
The x-plane "common use" includes antialiasing 2x or 4x, and/or complex aircraft (example, Ixeg 737, Carenado, etc).
Show 70 fps with Antialiasing Off and Default F22 is not a convincing demonstration.

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12 hours ago, sundog said:

That's funny, because SMP's clouds used to do that - and then people complained about it, so we turned that effect off. Really, people were freaking out on us insisting that clouds always appear white no matter what (even though I know that's not true.)

You've given me the courage to re-enable that effect, but perhaps just more subtle than it used to be.

Thanks for the feedback.



1 vote for me. I think having this effect will enhance the look of clouds being far away from the aircraft. 

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9 hours ago, mb339 said:

However, I believe that before show the performance of Skymaxx4 must show the True performance in everyday use.
The x-plane "common use" includes antialiasing 2x or 4x, and/or complex aircraft (example, Ixeg 737, Carenado, etc).
Show 70 fps with Antialiasing Off and Default F22 is not a convincing demonstration.

On my PC, the FPS  cost of going from low to high rendering settings with SMP4 disabled is more than the cost of rendering multiple overcast layers to the horizon with SMP4. Showing a framerate under "common use" is showing the FPS impact of the rendering settings, aircraft, etc. much more than the FPS impact of SMP4. Everyone has different aircraft, scenery, settings, and hardware, so that really wouldn't be useful. What I'm offering is a baseline.

I'm *not* saying "you will get 70 FPS with SMP4 under worst case weather conditions with SMP's settings maxed out." Just that it is achievable. Everyone's setup is different and it's impossible to make claims like that.


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sundog -



That's funny, because SMP's clouds used to do that - and then people complained about it, so we turned that effect off. Really, people were freaking out on us insisting that clouds always appear white no matter what (even though I know that's not true.)

You've given me the courage to re-enable that effect, but perhaps just more subtle than it used to be.


HUGE +1 from me. I'd love to see this effect.

Weird how people think clouds are white to the horizon, plane bonkers (if you'll pardon the pun).



Edited by IndiB
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It Looks great! - congratulation...

The only thing left - it is still looking a little bit like a cotton batting layer from above FL 300. I have the impression the announcement of xEnviro pushes a little more drive in how fast further developments are driven.

This product is on a good way. I'm curious what the Russians doing.

I am a SMP user since V2.



Edited by jweber
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It Looks great! - congratulation...

The only thing left - it is still looking a little bit like a cotton batting layer from above FL 300. I have the impression the announcement of xEnviro pushes a little more drive in how fast further developments are driven.

This product is on a good way. I'm curious what the Russians doing.

I am a SMP user since V2.



I just want proper CBs, squall lines and supercells.

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XP11 seems to have not this limit.

But, about fps...I had many problems with SMP and multiple layers. That killed the performances. OK, I use complex planes and complex sceneries, but if I disable SMP in this situations the fps return to an acceptable rate.

This is what bother me. If SMP cannot scale dinamically, in some way, quality & performances, I think the problem will be still there with any version. It would be very annoying to work with the settings or disable SMP during a flight to gain fps. I think the clouds are one, if not the only, of the things that could be adjusted dynamically to maintain constant performances, even if this means to temporarily reduce the quality.

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1 hour ago, Mad Mat said:

If SMP cannot scale dinamically, in some way, quality & performances, I think the problem will be still there with any version. It would be very annoying to work with the settings or disable SMP during a flight to gain fps. I think the clouds are one, if not the only, of the things that could be adjusted dynamically to maintain constant performances, even if this means to temporarily reduce the quality.

We actually did this in the v3 run with our beta test group. We thought it would be an excellent idea, but the feedback we received indicated otherwise, thus it never made it into retail.

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