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  • Birthday 06/24/1982

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  1. Imaginesim DCA Converted for X-plane. It does convert well with little need to fix obj's through overlay editor.
  2. I have it and you have to run and install in FS2004 on a windows machine and convert it using the windows platform. If I remember correctly the FSX version will not work. It has to be 2004. Maybe someone else can clarify that. The scenery comes out without hardly any problems. A little clean up of the airport using overlay editor to delete some airport ground vehicles depending on your system and deleting some missing textures but thats about it. It is a great scenery and probably one of the best converted. The night textures are amazing but do put a hamper on the sim in regards to framerate but other than that its absolutely great. JB
  3. WOW you need to do a little more research on your rant there bud and leave the voting to the big boys and girls. There is no need to post something this rediculous in an international Flightsim forum.
  4. Bout to say, if this is better just copy the image over itself 3 or 4 times and then flatten the image. I seem to get real deep colors and its a little more controllable.
  5. Yeah I've noticed.. Weirdly enough…. none of the big movie guys have complained about this one yet. Its got to be simmering though.
  6. In reality, what would the guys around here think and say for that matter if we had a flux of FSX pilots coming in to try to push FSX in an all X-plane forum. Personally, I'd be happy if they just stayed over there. The hard core FSX users are so harsh, rude, and childish in those forums. I'd hate to see them in our forum all the time complaining about ever cotton-pickin stinkin thing. I've read the one forum where Goran is really active and I don't see how Goran does it. Keeps his cool and answers every stupid question they throw at him, relative or not. Kudos Goran. If it were me, I would have already hung that on the wall to dry. JB
  7. Very nice paint job kesomir. Very slick..
  8. You're Right Flyin, From a consumer's standpoint, personally, and as well as seeing and hearing what my VA's community is dying for, is a great multi turboprop. I know there are two the Dutchess and jason chandlers piper pack (Which is modeled more on a generic instrument scale), But there is still a great deal and a killer market share that is yearning for a well done models in the Multi twin turboprop field. Carenado is gulping up the market in the single category right now and it seems as they are making there way from smallest to largest which at this rate could take awhile to get to the twins. My feelings as a consumer with somewhat limited funds to buy everything is who jumps the boat first with a realistic well done model will take the cake when it comes to returns. Everything that XA is involved in is really top notch stuff but projects like the SAAB that I assume will be coming out when X10 does will be a great start but I agree we need more of those types in the XA hangar. It will be a welcomed site and done first should definetly produce some great returns for you developers. JB
  9. Funny story, The B17 bomber group is in concord, NC this week and I went down late in the week to see with a buddy that worked there.. Turned out the weather was horrible and he called me up. He said all the old guys climbed down their ladders as he was chocking up the plane. He said they were nice guys real polite. One of the older gentlemen asked if wanted to walk in and see everything. He said sure i'll go. So he proceeded to ask about the instrumentation and ask the guy if they still navigated the old way. He said, heck no thats what the gamin 530 is for. He said they have the 530 with xm weather, and tcas updates through ads-b. I was like thats pretty slick. Flying one of the oldest war bombers with a brand new 530 in it. JB
  10. Its funny too seeing as the CEO over there is really excited and talking a lot about it. That whole forum post from the 1st down to the last is a great read. Thats just one company to hopefully bring some top notch scenery and other add ons. The other funny part is listening to the FSX guys whining and being babies about it. I also browsed through the org forums and it wasn't even in the portal unless if got covered up. I have noticed that whether its posted here, X-plane 10 blog, or even in our own VA it never links back to the org. I would put money down that more FSX related and FSX only websites are carrying more news about then the org has. I gotta wander if Mr. Nick over is jealous of the fact that X-plane 10 is basically being built and tested by Laminar and X-aviation. Speaks volumes JB
  11. Yeah especially with caranado's planes, It seems you always have to do that with the GA's. Everyone is different.
  12. A. not sure, B. that is the measurable electric amps that are supplying the prop ice heat. Turn on your prop de ice and it will move. C. I think they were trying to enact drag coefficients by lowering the gear. You definetly feel this in real life although I think its a little much but not by much. D. Exaggerated. I've never set foot into a plane that rolls this much. I also believe this is a try at adding realism in the P-factor (P-roll) and torque factor categories. I find that you have to adjust this a lot depending on the power setting you are using at the time. E. Got to be f. Renderings - Field of view Im at 60 to 65 and its a nice distance. You can't go back to far or you will lose your ability to see the DME displays and controls very clearly without having to zoom in. G. ME TOO !! Love the hint of Blue Overall I believe they have done a decent job. The plane flies well and handles well in the landing phase which a lot of the caranado's do not. I did not buy the 172 so i don't know if they started any of this new modeling of drag and other flight characteristics or the bonanza was the first try in the gear drag and torque factor but they are very close. It's a little exaggerated but I don't believe its ridiculous. Maybe cut it back 5% and you'll have a winner. At the end of the day its still a sim. My flight school has a 140,000 c172 sim and its still got stuff that isn't quite right. Little quirks here and there are expected. Thats why they call it a simulator. JB
  13. Last beta night flight for KONT to KSBA on Pilotedge. Pilotedge goes live today…. The new Carenado Beechcraft Bonanza
  14. Also remember James when doing this make sure you correctly label the subfolders under the sounds folder example would be alert, engine, weather, systems etc. Also make sure the files are in wav format. If they are Mp3, aiff, or anything else, x-plane will not play them due to the format. Hope that helps. I actually have custom sounds in the duchess and if works like any other. JB
  15. nahhh probably not. It probably just came down to XA wasn't selling enough for Javier and Philip and others to make much needed funds to fund other great projects. To XA pilots you wander why it doesn't sell. Well with most pilots that are neither beginning in x-plane or just don't keep up enough with whats going on in the community, much of XA's wonderful software, scenery and Planes don't get the due attention from the main community. Like it or not the org is the place of X-Plane. Unfortunately the upper staff does things in our eyes that aren't right. But at the end of the day "people got to get paid." I think the obvious bickering is jealousy on both parts. XA wishes they could have the number of planes that get sold on X-plane org and the org wish they could have the complexity of XA's planes. Put them together and you have a monster. Don't think that thats going to happen but Javier and philip I guess can sell where they want too plus Javier can't just completely bash the org because he's doing almost all the planes for X-Plane 10. I see FlyJSim's Q400 up on there too. OBviously he saw what the others saw. The shame is XA doesn't have anything from the org. The org is starting to monopolize everything. You have the best of the best now at the org and it seems as everything else "……. ahhhh we'll let XA sell that. " Kind of one sided. Whatever has been said and contracted obviously is paying out great dividends for both parties or at least hopefully will in their eyes. JB
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