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Blender help: Merging two rings to make one?

Rafael Fernandez

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Goran, your way works, but it's the slow way. Here's the fastest way I know of for joining loops like that*:

1) Select both loops.

2) Hit Shift+S-->Cursor-->Selection**

3) Press "." to make it go into cursor mode. This will make all movements relative to the cursor.

4) Hit "S", "Y"*** , "0"

5) Hit "W"-->"Remove Doubles"

That should do the trick. If not, increase your limit which is located near the "RemDou" button in the "Mesh Tools" panel. The value should never be greater than 0.02 in my experience. See the notes for each Astrix:

*This only applies when the rings of verts are the same diameter (IE on a fuse, wing, etc)

**This is optional. I find that it is not often needed, but if you don't know what to expect from this process, it somewhat eliminates the chance of screw-ups.

***The "Y" is indicative of the axis on which you want the verts to line up. I typically make the y-axis the long axis of the fuse. If it's not, then you need to substitute whichever axis you have it lined up with. Always check and make sure you are snapping along the correct axis or funny things will happen.

Final note: You should always check the entire loop to make sure all doubles were removed. Sometimes, if theres one or two out of line, blender will skip them, and merge the rest. An easy way to ensure you have gotten them all is to know how many verts compose a ring. If, for example, you build a 24 vert ring, and after remove doubles it says "22 doubles removed" you know there are two which need to be done by hand. Also, when using Alt-M to do each by hand, avoid doing "snap center." Unless you've been careless, there should be one vert in each pair which has the proper alignment. You want to select the correct one first, then the second, and hit "merge first."

I know this was a long explanation, but I assure you the actual process is very quick once you learn the various caveats. Good luck, and don't hesitate to keep asking questions.


Last note: Rafael, it appears you have some funny things going on with those windows. You need to try and carry the original lines of the fuse through those window sections. Basically, between two windows, you should have straight lines that are in-line with each line of the un-modified fuse. If that doesn't make sense, I can post a picture tomorrow.

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