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  1. Thanks for the terrific customer support -- as usual!
  2. Greetings Cameron, This is just a quick note to let you know the earlier issue with the rain not working has been completely fixed in version 4.9.1. Thanks very much! All the best, Doug VW
  3. Good Evening Cameron, Thanks for the diligent work to make this update. I had no problem uninstalling the previous version and installing the new version. However I do have a problem. I have tried every combination of settings and cannot see any rain drops even when flying through or sitting on the ground in manually generated heavy precipitation. I can hear the rain and see lightening in the distance but there are no rain drops or streaks either through the front window or out the side window. All the best, Doug VW
  4. Well, it was a rainy day in Illinois today and rain rendering is not working again. Flying along at altitude and rain streaks were intermittently displayed vertically and then horizontally. It seems like as I passed through rain, it would start displaying vertical streaks and then switch to horizontal streaks before disappearing altogether even though rain sounds were still coming out of the speakers. Sky was overcast over a wide area so it wasn't that I was passing in and out of rain columns. Also I noticed when parked on the ramp, there were tons more rain streaks out the side windows than in front. Still intermittent though. The only thing that works is the default X-Plane rain.
  5. Sundog, I did further testing. I think the problem I had was with a wonky conflict between FS Global Real Weather, Real Weather Connector and SkyMaxx Pro. When I removed FSGRW and RWC, SkyMaxx Pro did a very nice job rendering rain as set in the custom weather setting of X-Plane...up to and INCLUDING severe precipitation. So I don't think you need to generate more rain particles. See new video below. Then after I reinstalled FSGRW a second time I could successfully ignore real weather and use manually generated rain which SkyMaxx Pro rendered correctly (including severe precipitation). Then I reinstalled RWC and the only change I could see was the additional menu option in SkyMaxx Pro to include FSGRW or not. Do I need both FSGRW and RWC? FSGRW injects real weather into X-Plane all by itself and then SkyMaxx Pro renders that weather from FSGRW. Is there an advantage from using RWC? All the best, Doug VW X-System 2019-09-02 07-49-55.mp4
  6. Rain rendering is not realistic. See pictures and video below...especially the video. I am using X-Plane 11.35. Fly With LUA scripts and other plug ins were disabled. Only SkyMaxx Pro v4, FS Global Real Weather, and Real Weather Connector were enabled though I was not using real weather. I used manually adjusted custom X-Plane weather for maximum precipitation and was flying the stock X-Plane Cessna 172. Although not depicted in the pictures below, this same rain rendering problem also happens in other stock X-Plane and third party aircraft. My computer configuration is Intel i9-9900k CPU at 3.60GHz, Nvidia RTX 2080Ti GPU, 32GB RAM and Samsung EVO 970 NVME 1TB SSD, 2TB Hard Drive, with Windows 10 Pro. Can you help? SkyMaxx_Pro_Rain.mp4
  7. Clouds and real weather are great in SkyMax Pro but I have a similar issue with rain. My view of rain depends on where and when I look for it and it is rarely displayed appropriately. Picture 1 below is how I expected to see streaking rain when looking out the side window. Picture 2 below shows no rain at all when looking at the plane from outside. Picture 3 below shows rain streaking straight down instead of coming at me even though the plane was moving forward at 105 knots at 1,000 ft. above the ground. The rain should have been streaking towards the windshield. I have a relatively good computer. CPU: Intel i9-9900K at 3.60Hz, Graphics: Nvidia RTX 2080Ti, 32Gb Ram, Windows 10 64bit. I am running X-Plane 11.35 with SkyMaxx Pro v4.8.2, FS Global Real Weather, and Real Weather Connector. Any ideas why rain is poorly displayed?
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