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  1. Thanks! So with SBRJ came this Marginal Ground Traffic-plugin. This must be the problem, because a few session before I had no crash at all, because two other airports were loaded and SBRJ was on the backup-disk. I'll go on. All the best.
  2. Hello, I would like to fly the TBM9 one more time. Since I struggled with crash-to-desktops a lot of times I gave up in the past. Now I made a habit out of, before starting a session, remove all plugins that I don't need to have from the X-plane map to another disk. Also, I removed heavy mesh-libraries that enhanced the scenery. So I am flying as vanilla as possible. This time I tried to fly a challenge on Volanta; the RNAV 02W approach on SBRJ, so I took off closely at SBSC. At FL60 I made a turn to direct to GATI and had another CTD, without having any other programs running in the background. I'll attach both X-plane Log.txt and 'mac os x-crash report' with this post. All help will be appreciated, All the best, happy new years eve. Sander Log.txtmacosx_crashreport.txt
  3. Hello, Often in X-plane I have to re-activatie X-aviation by entering email and password. Now this 85th time or so I forgot my password so after six tries I had to re-install Gizmo64, which says to re-install the whole aircraft. So, here I am re-installing the TBM900. But why does this downloading goes by 35 KB per second? With the current energy-bills I don't like to have my computer running all night. Is there a work-around? All The best.
  4. The log.txt is already overwritten by a new session. Anyway, I gave up. This constant struggle with X-plane crashes and constant investigation and tweaking is too much work and not fun. I'll change focus to other activities. All the best.
  5. Really? After twelve flights? Another CTD? Flying "Vanilla" without noaa. "... 2021-11-09 19:35:43 TBM900[except.c:120]: Caught SIGABORT: abort (0x7fff2035c92e) Backtrace is: 2 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff203d0d7d _sigtramp + 29 3 ??? 0x3fb999999999999a 0x0 + 4591870180066957722 4 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff202e0406 abort + 125 5 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff202df7d8 err + 0 6 systems.xpl 0x00000000e01c3833 cairo_scaled_font_destroy.cold.5 + 35 7 systems.xpl 0x00000000dfc5ad8a cairo_scaled_font_destroy + 346 8 systems.xpl 0x00000000dfc27ebc _cairo_gstate_fini + 44 9 systems.xpl 0x00000000dfc282a4 _cairo_gstate_restore + 36 10 systems.xpl 0x00000000dfc753d7 cairo_restore + 23 11 systems.xpl 0x00000000df621aa0 draw_perf_ind + 3600 12 systems.xpl 0x00000000df6143e9 eicas_rev_render + 201 13 systems.xpl 0x00000000df8330d3 worker + 1379 14 systems.xpl 0x00000000df83b105 _lacf_thread_start_routine + 37 15 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff2038b8fc _pthread_start + 224 16 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff20387443 thread_start + 15 0:24:11.829 E/SYS: THREAD FATAL ASSERT: rel_assert Error! Possibly an out of range vector! Attach the debugger and see who called this! 0:24:11.829 E/SYS: THREAD FATAL ASSERT: !THREAD_is_inited() || THREAD_is_main_thread() 0:24:11.829 E/SYS: THREAD FATAL ASSERT: XPDestroyGuiPluginWindow 0:24:11.829 E/SYS: THREAD FATAL ASSERT: Please report this to Laminar Research. 0:24:11.829 E/SYS: THREAD FATAL ASSERT: /jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/engine/plugins/glue/XPCallbacks.cpp:1786 .." I'm lost
  6. Yep, thanks, I'll do that. Too bad I am on a mac, so no ASXP for me. For now, I reinstalled the whole nice-to-have ortho-scenery and all the plugins I had...no problems at all, as long as I don't install that noaa-weather-script. All the best,
  7. Thanks, I was just going in to that, just before something happened, so that I think I have found it: So, I had a 100% chance for a CTD at exactly 7,900 feet, while climbing from EHAM runway 22 southbound. I removed all plugins and heavy scenery and I finally could fly further without a crash to desktop: Log_vanilla_enough_for_TBM.txt Then I re-installed Pyhtoninterface and Pythonscripts where I only have the noaa-weather-plugin. With Python the crashes returned at exactly 7,900 feet: Log.txt Another SIGSEGV: segmentation fault So that means I cannot use the noaa-weather-plugin together with the TBM9? And why only in the Netherlands and at that height? Strange. Well I'll keep testing.
  8. I removed all OrthoScenery incl. y-overlays, and I removed the whole FlyWithLua-map (from the list above "*eruit gehaald*) Same crash at same height after take-off...but new message in Log.txt. This time no SIGSEGV / Art controls are modified but: 2021-10-24 10:55:49 TBM900[acf_mgr.c:333]: Error sending "in use" update to server: server responded with error 500 (Internal Server Error) --=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: TBM900 by Hot Start}==--
  9. Hello again, Still struggling. Which of these plugins modify Art controls? Loaded: /Applications/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/PluginAdmin/mac.xpl (xpsdk.examples.pluginadmin). Loaded: /Applications/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/AviTab/mac_x64/AviTab.xpl Loaded: /Applications/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/64/mac.xpl *eruit gehaald* Loaded: /Applications/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/Gizmo64.plugin/mac_x64/Gizmo64.plugin.xpl Loaded: /Applications/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/PythonInterface/64/mac.xpl Loaded: /Applications/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/SAM/mac_x64/SAM.xpl Loaded: /Applications/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/WorldTraffic/mac.xpl (cjs.util.worldtraffic). (...) 2021-10-24 10:14:50 TBM900[except.c:117]: Caught SIGSEGV: segmentation fault (0x0) Backtrace is: (...) --=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: TBM900 by Hot Start}==-- (Art controls are modified.)
  10. I just tried it with the Ortho removed...same CTD while climbing from about 7,000 ft. and further...remarkable...the same pattern when climbing from EHAM Amsterdam, EHLE Lelystad, EHBK Maastricht.... Well, at least it is not the Orthoscenery that is corrupt....or maybe the y-overlays that I forgot to remove with them? Well, I'll try next week. Life is full of suprises. All the best.
  11. Hi, mmm, removing WT3 did not make any difference for now, removing custom scenery in the surrounding area did not help either, so there is nothing left then to build X-plane up from scratch again and run it 'vanilla' with the TBM, and then slowly one-by-one adding the most wanted stuff. A hell of a job, that I will save later for a rainy day. Too bad. Now, if the TBM wasn't such a great plane I never would have gone in to this. Now, since this happened in the Netherlands, I just want to try one more thing: Perform a flight from Santos Dumont RJ (SBRJ) to let's say that touristic beach town of Buzios (SSBZ) close to Rio de Janeiro with WT3 running...same conditions, real weather, Orthos and custom scenery scattered around the place. [edit: final conclusion: The trip from SBRJ to SSBZ went perfect, together with WT3 and all the custom scenery and libraries involved over there (just like Hawaii as mentioned before). So there must be something loaded in X-plane at that specific location in Holland that makes "de Loosdrechtse Plassen" the new Bermuda Triangle for this particular plane.] (Sometimes I just feel to give up this ' hobby', because 75% of my time I am engineering this spaghetti and restarting again and again, waiting for screens to pop-up, testing, testing, fighting fps-loss or crashes...I just want to fly in the few hours I have for this to relax and enjoy.)
  12. To narrow this* down...I remember the last time I had this issue in a certain area in the world..."Australia Pro" was the problem; a "scenery enhancement pack" that replaces objects and texture on the ground. Now, I tried different airports, but all in the Netherlands. It might be, that when reaching a certain height X-plane starts to load some scenery in the neighbourhood resulting in a CTD. (A while ago I took the TBM from one Hawaiian island to another without crashing). *) this line?: TBM900 [except.c:117]: Caught SIGSEGV: segmentation fault (0x0) A few months ago, with "Australian Pro": 2021-04-02 22:14:30 TBM900[except.c:117]: Caught SIGSEGV: segmentation fault (0x8) [edit: tested without WordTraffic 3, same CTD, same fault, ruled out, did not solve problem] [edit: tested (edited:) So first, I'll try the same flightplan again, but then with a Firefox-window in the background, because I run X-plane fullscreen with AMD, as suggested here: https://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/20936-tbm900exceptc117-caught-sigsegv-segmentation-fault-0x0/?do=findComment&comment=166021 same CTD, same fault, ruled out, did not solve problem] [edit; tested Then, second, what I am going to do is remove some custom scenery, custom local Dutch airports, to see if that helps. Probably one of those uses a library of objects that the TBM does not like. removed all custom scenery in surroundings, Aerosoft EHAM Airport Amsterdam, (*zExclusions), EFHK, EHLE, EKAH, EKCH, ESSA, Deurne EBAW, and two libraries 'Europe_RoadTraffic', 'European_vehicles_library_uwespeed', same CTD, same fault, ruled out, did not solve problem] Of course I will not report anything of this messing about, to avoid further annoyance/irritation. If that does not work, I'll better start all over again with a fresh install. thanks
  13. Something inside me was speculating about (hoping for) the possiblity, that the accumulated knowledge here in this community from the last couple of years about what happens to be compatible and what not with this fragile piece of script, together with all the rest that most of us install to have some kind of satisfying experience with this flight simulator, might result in some tips or advice that will lead to a quicker workaround then a one-and-a-half-hour double download and installation of X-plane, (which I find a kind of last resort activity) but maybe that is wishfull thinking. For now I wait a while for other responses. Maybe somebody will come up with an idea to adjust something based on what he or she might come up with while scrolling through the log.txt or something. (something that never gave me any clue, but I am not such a talent in this matter). I appreciate anything.
  14. Hello again, For a long time already I am struggling again to get the Hotstart TBM9 to work. I start to feel hesitation to ask for help, because I had CTD-issues posted here before; they got temporary solved, and then occurred again. I really hope I can get some support to dive in to this. This aircraft is my top most favorite aircraft, but... Every time, a few minutes after take-off, while still climbing, X-plane crashes to desktop. - I tried different airports, all CTD's a couple of minutes after take-off, - Other payware aircraft I installed have no CTD's on same set-up and locations. If possible, The only thing I would like to have running besides the TBM is World Traffic, noaweather (via PythonScript) and two FlyWithLua-scripts, called " Fps boost + auto LOD with shadows v2.lua" and " Soft Fps Clouds.lua". I have no other scripts running. If one of those three is the culprit, I'll remove them...too bad for World Traffic. My.../Resources/plugins/-folder contains: AviTab, FlyWithLua, PluginAdmin, PythonInterface, PythonScripts, SAM, WorldTraffic, XPLM.framework, XPWidgets.framework and the Gizmo64.plugin. (I have more plugins, but I replaced them into a backup-folder. So I really removed them, and not just turned them off in the PluginAdmin) Here is the latest Log.txt from X-plane: Log.txt Here is Apple's crash report generated by mac os x: Apple Report for X-Plane 11.52r2 mac os x.txt Here are my specs: mac osx 11.6 (Big Sur) iMac Retina 5K, 27", end2015, 4GHz Quad-Core i7, 32GB 1867 MHz DDR3, AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4096MB Thank you so much again, All the best, Sander
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