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cibrut last won the day on May 11 2021

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  1. So i arrived from work to my home. Turned on my PC, logged into Windows and without touching anything i ran my XP. Got greetings from Gizmo, entered my usual credentials and vo'ila - activated my license succesfully and without any hassle. It really must been some transport route issue like i mentioned before or there is also high possibility it was something between Windows and everything else . Really didn't touch anything since yesterday's issue. Yippie-ai! @Cameron thanks once again for your help and all the attention!
  2. Oh, didn't know there is also my address, took me a while to find it (now i hope everything is correct, i really would like to avoid being marked as some "shady" entity or so, my orders from XA were serious and for real, i just do not tend to share my real life credentials anywhere on internet if is it possible, for safety reasons of course - a 27 years habbit, sorry). If everything is ok at your side then i have to dig even deeper on my Windows update as it seems it most probably is connected to this issue. But don't know why, HTTPS in browsers are fine for me on same PC. Will try ping XA web, but i am sure everything will be fine, with some larger response times possibly as i am in Central Europe. But maybe it was some yesterday's issue on transport route somewhere between my ISP and XA web hosting/provider. Will check on that later (i am not at my PC now). Should i find anything new i will keep you posted. Thanks so far for your help, Cameron.
  3. It took over half of minute of waiting for refresh to get my post above posted Also attachments seems to be working now, this is the Gizmo error after installing latest version of 733 from IXEG:
  4. Thanks for fast reply. My bad, i see i had different email in account here, sorry for confusion. That one on my XA account only is valid (bu*******er@gmail.com). Corrected everything i could both here and on XA account. Downloaded IXEGs 733 v1.33 (it was a bit pain, had to retry several times each livery because of "cannot reach remote server" installer info, same as XA site is super slow for me, it takes several tens of seconds to refresh), but managed to download it. To be correct - when download starts it goes fast, but first response on new file download in installer takes ages and sometimes times-out asking for retry - never happened before to me). Uninstalled previous version (via usual app uninstall in Windows), installed new one - no luck. Still the same error like before. Also, all of sudden, i have an issue upload attachment here? It takes for ever and then it says "there was problem uploading the file" (small 51kBytes jpeg). Issues with downloading and installing one of your product, repeated time outs during installation, slowly responsing XA site and timeouts during license activation makes me thing that issue is not on my side? Just thinking out loud. Tried several different web pages across the world just to be sure issue is not on my side - everything fine here. Asking kindly for your help once again. Thank you.
  5. Hello and sorry for hijacking this thread, but i have very similar issue. Today i've updated my 1908 of Windows 10 to latest 20H2. After running XP i was welcomed by XA Gizmo saying "Machine ID does not match" and "License data invalid". XA Licensing window also automatically popped up, listing my XA products. Clicked "Update license now", entered my login and password, waited ... and got message about x-aviation:443 time-out (HTTPS port). I have Windows Defender turned off and using ZoneAlarm. Couldn't find any clue in app list for access control. Also any other stuff in XP using internet connection works fine as before. Not sure for what app should i look in app access control on my firewall (didn't see Gizmo there). Also firewall log doesn't show any traffic being filtered on that matter. This happened after updating my Windows. Worked fine before. Tried few times reboot in Gizmo with same result (not sure if such activity could result in my license(s) being blocked now). Can provide more details if needed. My registration email is same as email in my profile. Please help. Thank you. Log.txt
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